The Traitor

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Chapter Forty-Three

The Traitor

The bounds of duty should be unshackled when they start foraying into the realms of tyranny


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"You cursed treacherous demon. You backstabbing monster."

Darren lunged at Roger and started punching him. Everything had happened in a jiffy. He had been walking alongside Roger when he suddenly grabbed a gun and shot George. Darren was shaken by this unexpected move from Roger. He had always believed that Roger was genuinely on George's side. He had been helping them for seven years. But now that all seemed like a lie.

His head was still spinning when he saw Roger wrestle free from the soldier holding him, snatch his gun, and fire at Jennifer. But the bullet didn't hit her. Darren had never seen Roger miss an aim in his whole life, but somehow, he missed the most important target of his life.

Roger leveled his gun to shoot again. That is when the dawn of clarity chased away the darkness of confusion. Darren heard his inner voice. He knew what he had to do. He leaped across as Roger pulled the trigger, knocking him off his feet. The second shot didn't even come close to Jennifer.

The sound of simultaneous gunshots caught everyone's attention. Before anyone could react, Darren pushed the gun away and kept landing blows after blows on Roger.

"Get off me, you moron," Roger shouted, "you just blew away our chances of winning this war."

"No. I just safeguarded the chances of some honorable men triumphing over perfidious devils." Some of the soldiers rushed towards them and pulled him away from Roger. They then pinned Roger to the ground and tied his hands behind his back


His father was counting his last breaths when David reached the stage. George put his hand on his head. "David's Army is now all yours. You are a true descendant of David, strong and courageous like him. It is quite apt that you lead these men in the biggest fight of their lives."

Jennifer was sitting near his head, glaring at the person who shot their father and tried to kill her as well. George called his daughter. "Jennifer, I have brought you to the gate of victory, but I won't be able to see you through. You have to look after yourself. In your every step, just keep in mind that you are the only hope of this world. The future of millions depends on your actions. My girl, be brave and lead our people towards freedom and glory. And never drop your guard ever again."

George suffered a violent bout of cough. "Water."

Jennifer quickly got on her feet. "Someone please bring some water. And where the hell are our medics?"

Jennifer moved a little away to look for water and David's father took this opportunity to say some important things to him. Every word seemed to drain the life out of him. "Son, don't make the same mistakes that our opponents made. Don't spill innocent blood. You don't want to save our people by killing thousands of other innocents. You reap what you sow. Don't sow hatred and anguish but sow love and mercy. Don't fight this war keeping grudges, but show compassion. Spare lives whenever you can. Remember life goes in circles and someday your acts of compassion will come back to your aid."

George gestured towards Jennifer. "Your sister is now your responsibility. She is a true heiress to Solomon and I have seen his fury in her eyes. We will need that fury to win this war, but we don't want her to turn whole Aden into the Ruins. Son, there might be times when you might have to reign her in. You have to be the ice to Jennifer's fire, or by the end of this war, all that will be left is ashes. Bring your ear close to me."

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