The Peace Deal

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Chapter Twenty-Four

The Peace Deal

Sometimes one has to sacrifice his present for the sake of the future


The Fifth Loop, Year 391, 1st January (5L/391/1/1)

"How long before we start moving?"

Olivier was getting restless. He wanted to reach the Ruins and start the next phase of his plan.

Henry frowned. "Oh! HighMinister is getting bored. Just for your information, we need to install the machines, tow the containers, get the vehicles ready, collect our supplies and load them into the vehicles. We will be docked here for a couple of days at least."

"Get it done as quickly as possible. We don't want to give our enemies time to prepare for an attack."

"What about the dead?" Desmond asked.

"What can we do about them?" Henry shrugged. "They are gone."

Desmond looked at his commander with wide eyes. "We must give them a proper burial, at least. They gave away their lives for our cause."

Olivier decided to interrupt before Henry said something more stupid. "Commander Desmond, dig a large grave. We will pay them our last respects and bury them all with proper honors. That is the least we can do for our brave men."

Desmond went away to prepare for the funeral and Olivier walked over to Henry and glared at him. "Don't be a heartless fool, you idiot. If we don't even bury our dead, what kind of a message are we sending to our remaining troops? A couple of extra hours here won't be as dangerous as an army full of disgruntled soldiers."

It took them three days to complete their tasks due to the severe weather. Finally, they began their journey on the fourth morning of the Crossing.

The northbound road towards the Ruins was built for carts and carriages, so the vehicles moved at a sluggish speed. The next day, Aden's military had to halt their charge a few kilometers outside the Ruins. Hundreds of men blocked the road. An officer rushed to inform Henry and Olivier about this blockade.

"It seems we have a situation here, HighMinister," Henry said. "Let us go and have a chat with these folks."

Olivier shook his head. "I was the only person from the last touring party who left this world with his head still on his shoulders and I am in no mood to give them a chance to correct their mistake."

"So what are we supposed to do?" Henry asked.

"Believe me, it is useless to talk with them. Just shoot a few rounds in the air and disperse them."

"What if they don't budge?"

"Why are you asking me? You decided what to do with the captured soldiers at the riverbank, so do the same here. Do what you think is the best for Aden." Olivier didn't give a direct answer, but he quite skillfully gave Henry the license to go on a rampage.

Henry stroked his beard. "We have to give them a chance or at least show our troops that we tried to knock some sense in their brains before we take any drastic step."

"Then you go ahead and bang your head against these stones. My coming with you will only hamper the chances of any fruitful negotiations. Take Malcolm with you and see if they agree to our demands. They won't abandon their homes and hand over their city to you on a platter but of course, go and please your conscience."

"And what do I offer them?"

"Ask them to peacefully exit the Ruins. Assure them that we will inflict no harm and even help them build new settlements. Repeat the promises made by the previous delegation. Give them three days to wrap up their things. After that, we move inside the city and take over."

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