The Forbidden Fruit

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Chapter Nineteen

The Forbidden Fruit

Tough choices turn meek kings into mighty emperors


The Fifth Loop, Year 381, 9th January (5L/381/1/9)

"Get me on your fastest vehicle. Time is of utmost importance," Olivier ordered the army officer. He was dying to meet the king. He hadn't expected things to turn out so well.

"Yes sir, those were the precise instructions—bring the returning delegates to Aurae as quickly as possible. But no one ever imagined this," Desmond said, casting a mournful glance at the severed heads.

Olivier wanted to dance but had to somehow feign a dejected look. "Yes, no one ever thought of this. We must carry the bodies of William and Andrews and the heads of the martyrs to Aurae. They must get funerals worthy of kings."

"Yes sir, I will load them into the vehicles and we must move at once."

"We must not abandon this post. What if someone from Tenebra tries to intrude into our world? We must send some more reinforcements to guard this post." Olivier had to ensure that the news of what actually happened in Elisium never reached Aden.

"You are right sir. I will escort you to Aurae and leave behind my troops to guard the post. I will also ask for immediate reinforcements."

Olivier and Desmond, followed by the truck carrying the dead bodies and the severed heads, reached Aurae just before dawn.

"Take me straight to the Grand Palace."

"Waking up King Samuel at this hour won't be a great idea," Desmond suggested.

Olivier gave him a cold stare, and Desmond got his answer. He instructed his driver to turn their car towards the palace.

King Samuel came into the guest room, stifling a yawn. His face lit up when he saw his HighMinister and his childhood friend. "Olivier! Holy Angels, you all have kept me on the edge of my seat. Where are the others? They must have directly gone to their homes. Their families are more worried than me."

Olivier hung his head and remained silent.

Samuel's heart skipped a beat. "What happened? In God's name Olivier, please speak."

"The delegation didn't return as we had planned. In fact, I am the only one who has returned—alive."

Samuel's head started to spin. He sunk into a nearby chair. "Oh my God, Oh my God. God Bless their Souls. Tell me what happened?"

Olivier sat down on the chair next to the king and narrated his well-rehearsed fabricated version of the events.

"Andrews got carried away by the similarities between the two worlds and got himself, and many others, killed. Those savages are far removed from any semblance of a civilized society. A harmonious relationship? The moment they knew that we were from the other world they turned hostile."

"What did they do?"

"They called us looters and plunderers. And when Andrews told them about our need for the Star-Rocks, their council of wild men passed a unanimous order to execute all of us and throw our heads into the whirlpool."

"Then how by the name of the merciful God did you escape?"

"We fired our guns and fled towards the whirlpool. Our delegates fought but fell one by one. Only Andrews, William, and I made it to the bridge. Those savages picked up the guns of our fallen members and shot William. Andrews sacrificed his life and took the bullets meant for me. I am forever indebted. I owe my life to him." Olivier surprised himself with his acting skills. He even managed to bring a few tears to his eyes.

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