A New King

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Chapter Thirty-Three

A New King

Well collaborated lies have the power to overcome the erratic truth


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"King Julian should arrive soon and make that important announcement for which he has called this urgent Council meeting."

HighMinister Benjamin addressed the Council. The Great Hall was abuzz with anticipation. Every member had reached there before time. They knew that King Julian was under tremendous pressure because of his decision to raise a large army to send to Tenebra, so this could be some big announcement related to that. Although Julian had the Council's approval, public sentiments were against him. His Royal-Decree that families must provide a male recruit to the army, didn't help his popularity either. Everyone held their breaths for the king to arrive at the Great hall.

After an hour of waiting, a palace guard came and whispered something into the ears of the HighMinister Benjamin. He quickly stood up from his chair. "We all have been called to the palace."

When they reached the palace, Queen Miriam, Crown prince Marcus and other members of the royal family were waiting for them in the reception hall. Queen Miriam was sobbing and princess Sarah was trying to console her.

Prince Marcus looked at the members of the Council. "Our beloved King Julian breathed his last yesternight. When Queen-Mother tried waking him up in the morning he didn't respond. His body is in his chambers. You all can pay your last respects there. Then we must prepare for his royal funeral."

A shock wave spread amongst the members of the Council. The sudden demise of the king, at this crucial juncture, was a huge blow. The expected turmoil of the turn of the loop was just a couple of years away, their enemy was probably looking to attack them, and some Adeners had started to raise their voices against the regime. This was probably the worst time for someone to ascend the throne. Marcus had a tough job on his hand.

But most people weren't surprised by this tragic news. In the last few years, King Julian's health had severely deteriorated. He was suffering from insomnia, was delusional and it looked like something was haunting him from within.

The Council declared a weak of mourning. Arrangements were made for a massive funeral, but there were hardly any crowds. Even his final procession didn't fill up the streets. Julian must have become the least popular king of Aden.


Queen Miriam was silently standing on the same balcony where Julian used to spend his sleepless nights. Marcus walked in to check on his mother.

"Remembering father?"

Miriam wiped a tear that had trickled down on her cheek. "In the last couple of years, your father spent a lot of time standing here. He was deeply disturbed from within."

"Yes, everyone could see his health deteriorating."

"That is why, a couple of nights ago, standing right here, embracing him tightly in my arms, I decided to put him out of his misery."

Marcus's mouth fell open. He thought he had misunderstood his mother, but Miriam burst out crying. "Yes, Marcus... I.. kill.. killed him," Miriam mumbled between her sobs. "After giving him.. his sleeping medications... I strangulated him.. with.. with.. the pillow. I .. killed the man... I .. loved .. more than .. my .. life... I .. can't.." Her whimpers drowned her words.

Marcus felt his head spinning. He still thought this was some weird dream. But Miriam looked beyond grief. Marcus felt his mother might lose her senses if she didn't get hold of herself. He filled a glass of water and offered it to her.

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