The Declaration of War

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Chapter Sixteen

The Declaration of War

If something hasn't happened in the past, it doesn't mean that it will never happen in the future


The Fifth Loop, Year 491, 9th January (5L/491/1/9)

"Here I present the farms of wonder." Christopher, the HighCommander of the Tenebra base announced, showing the Star-Rock fields to a group of delegates.

The chief scientist took a small rock in his hand and had a close look at it. "These rocks are small in size. We still have a large enough stock of Star-Rocks inside the Ruins, so I don't think we will need to use rocks from this site in the foreseeable future."

Christopher feigned a sigh of relief. "And I am very glad to hear that. Now let us go back to the headquarters and have some snacks.

Two men, hiding behind thick bushes, took note of this conversation. Christopher's face was very familiar to them. They saw it every other day and in more than one place. Once the delegates departed, one of the two men rushed back to report this development to his senior.


George was humming a tune when he entered the headquarters of David's army. "Friends, I have some good news. The looters have enough Star-Rocks inside the Ruins and are not interested in our Star-Rock farms. So there won't be any added security on our field."

Jacob slapped his thigh. "That is indeed some good news. I thought they might put some extra security after Arthur's assassination."

"What are these Star-Rock farms?" Moses asked.

"Well you know, during the Rain of Fire, the large boulders that fell on the Royal Mounds exploded and these small pieces of Star-Rocks were scattered across the farms north of the Ruins. The looters only concentrate on large rocks as they are easy to transport to Aden and we steal these smaller ones."

"We don't need machines to lift these small pieces," George added. "They are perfect to make ammunition whereas the bigger ones, the size of melons, are used for generating electricity."

"Aden never shared any technical knowledge with this world. Then tell me how the Refuge has electricity?"

I never knew you were a fan of history

I am just trying to understand this world.

Tell me, how's the history of electricity in Elisium going to help you in war?

"They never did. The credit for electrifying this world goes to Andrews and Matthews. They developed a working model of a generator that could utilize the power of Star-Rocks. Matthews's descendants turned out to be equally gifted in the fields of science—even today his great-grandson James, who is just twenty-five, heads our arms factory. They kept enhancing his technology to build a model that powers the whole Refuge."

"But if these Star-Rock farms are north of the Ruins, how do you cross their fortified walls?"

George and Jacob both gave that I-know-but-won't-tell-you-smile. "That is a secret. You must see it rather than hear about it. We will take you there someday."

"Don't believe Jennifer's father." A girl barged into the room with a tray filled with cups of coffee. "He is not good with promises. He made the same promise to Jennifer a hundred times."

"Girl, I have always told you that I will take you there when the time is appropriate."

"And when will that be?" the girl asked.

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