The Proposals

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

The Proposals

Love is a strength and not a weakness


5L 21/19/6/2

"In the last month, we have lost around four hundred soldiers in the enemy attacks. We know the morale of our forces is shattered by these attacks, but we must inspire our troops to stay strong and be ready to fight back."

Commander Alfred was addressing his fellow commanders in a review meeting. Commander Simon diverted their attention towards another issue. "That is not the most important concern. The main problem is that our soldiers have witnessed what that girl can do. They saw her pull down a hill, fire thunderbolts out of her hand and they have now guessed what made our armored trucks fly or brought a sandstorm out of nowhere. They are not scared of the enemy troops but you can't expect them to fight the forces of nature."

Christopher quietly shook his head. "We have to find a way to fight her because we don't have another option. We are trapped here and can't leave until the next Crossing. The only choice we have is to try and stay alive till then. All we can do is fortify our defenses and hold onto it until the reinforcements arrive about two years from now."

Simon however, was concerned about another problem. "You anticipated that they will attack the storehouse. We were ready for them but we were still routed. To be frank sir, our soldiers are shaking in their pants. Four years ago, they attacked us in open fields, so we confined ourselves inside our secured perimeter. Now they are attacking us right inside our territory. Our soldiers feel trapped. They fear that the next attack will be anytime soon and this time that girl is going to fry them all."

Alfred raised another query. "You just mentioned the reinforcements but how are we going to receive them? For making the necessary arrangements for the incoming troops we will have to move out of these walls and face our enemies in the open field. Do you have a plan for that?"

Christopher chinned up a little. He had to show confidence to boost the morale of others. "I have a plan to evade our enemies who might be waiting for us outside our gates. And that might also keep our troops busy and divert their minds from the recent fiascos."

Christopher explained his proposal to his Commanders. "I know this is a very rough plan, but we can develop it into something workable. I think this is the only way to receive our incoming troops."

The idea was a little far-fetched, but that was their only plan and they had to make it work.


When Jennifer opened her eyes her mother was at her bedside. Cynthia took her hand in hers. "The only time you feel warm is when you are having a fever. Since the day of your resurrection, your body feels like it is made up of ice."

Jennifer smiled. "Maybe after Jennifer dropped dead, her soul wasn't pleased to be pushed back into the same body. It has not warmed up to it again. By the way how long was Jennifer knocked out?"

"A couple of weeks. You kept coming and going. But it is the first time you have fully opened your eyes and said something. Hopefully, you will be staying longer this time."

"Yes, feeling a little better now." Jennifer looked at the back of her hand. She found a few new wrinkles there.

"I will get you some soup."

"Can you get Jennifer a mirror as well?"

"That is a bad idea. You don't look great. Quite understandably, you have grown weak and pale due to your illness. First, get well, and then you can admire yourself in the mirror." Cynthia left the room to fetch her some food.

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