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Sharpmouth You know how there are those people you meet and you just know you have to know them? Well that's Sharpmouth. Black eyes, brown skin, embodiment of talent, that's her. She's one of the smartest persons I know and my role model on this writerly journey. Oh yes I had a crush on her from day one. 😂 I mean what's not to like? She's amazing and that's said without exaggeration. Sharpmouth is one of a kind and that is without question. I'd say get yourself a Sharpmouth but hehe she no dey market. 😁

If you cannot tell who this is, shame on you! Many shames! 🧐


Tetsou Thank you for being willing to edit my books. You have such a wonderfully humorous way of telling me how I need to fix things. I am grateful for our friendship and for the wonderful conversations we have.


13walkingdict Girl! I am eternally grateful for you and all the happiness you bring me when we chat. Thanks for all your kind words and for being my supporter and my rock when I needed one. I look forward to seeing where our friendship will be a couple years from now. I will love you always!❤


sunprophet dude! Thanks for your kind words about my work. I was having a bad day and what you said really brought my spirits back up.I look forward to getting to know you better and being the best of best friends.


Hassina_G Thank you for being a sweetheart. The level of friendship I've formed with you is just unbelievable, and I'm glad I crossed paths with you. Love you, babe.

 Love you, babe

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