Snippets of Hope: XXVI.

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You need people.

Overtime we have emphasised the fact that you are not alone, mostly because there is someone out there who feels exactly as you do. Someone lonely, someone searching or even stuck and it's comforting to know your struggles are not peculiar to you alone, someone else is out there too. 

On this road, you will need people. All blessings and help come from man to man, someone physical and present. If you are lucky to have someone genuine, rooting for you in your corner right now, don't push them away. 

In an attempt to heal yourself, please do not bleed on those who didn't hurt or cut you. Sometimes, we push people away in a bid to protect ourselves or cut them off before they can actually hurt us. It's like an armour we have built overtime that makes love now seem like war. 

Slowly, sometimes subconsciously, we taint the beautiful memories they try to create with us, spoil for unnecessary fights and keep bleeding and bleeding on them until all they can do is leave. It's hard to trust, to love again or to open up yourself and be vulnerable. But sometimes you have to acknowledge that you were toxic once, you were the problem and begin to deal with it. 

No one should accept you just as you are when you can genuinely do and be better. Love is not a ticket or free pass for being hurtful, rude, maintaining bad attitude under the guise of being yourself. Please cherish those who have stood by you. Remind them today how much going on life's journey has been less painful, all thanks to them. Be kind to them as much as you can. Be kind to everyone.

We truly hope you heal enough to understand that even the right people who genuinely love you can get away because in the end, we are all humans. 

Hold tight to someone today, life is too short to let past trauma continue to rob you of future relationships. You are never alone.

 You are never alone

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