Snippets of Hope: XXIII.

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How far have you come?

There were times in your life when you were not the best version of yourself or times you were simply 'perfect'. Both times were dependent on the amount of work you put into yourself.

For people who saw you at certain points in your life, they have a notion and definition of your strength and weakness. An expectation of how you should act and react in a given circumstance. While you might claim and be right about it being none of their business, it's not entirely their fault. As humans, they will judge and they do so based on how you have presented yourself.

Do they see you any different when you are making conscious effort to being a better you? Or on the days when you can't help but not be your best self?

Whatever the answer is, it's irrelevant. The main question is: How do you see you?

The way you see you is why their standards and validation should and will never matter. Validation from others will soothe your ego but never your soul and if it's your only source of nourishment, you will hunger for the rest of your life.

Don't put your self-worth in someone's hands and wait for them to acknowledge it before you feel better about yourself. No amount of validation from an outside source will make you feel as whole as you should be by constantly loving and accepting yourself wholeheartedly.

Look back or forward, reminisce or pine for the future but compare you to you. Only you. On some days, you will be the only one rooting for you, you will have to give yourself a pat on the back because you know your struggles better.

The definition of beauty, relevance, perfection is constantly changing with the imperfect nature of humans and in trying to be this inconsistent standard, you might lose yourself. Others might fail to understand your point of view but as long as you understand it, it's okay.

We hope you have the courage to break free or stop caring so much about people's perception of you. We hope you compliment yourself when no one does, we hope you measure your growth by how far you have come and learn to be okay with people disliking you.

You are allowed to make mistakes, your feelings are valid and you are not alone.

You are allowed to make mistakes, your feelings are valid and you are not alone

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