Snippets of Hope: XV.

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How do you know when it's time to get help? How do you know you need help and the things you feel aren't the same as everyone else?

The very moment it feels like life's out of your hands. When you feel weak and constantly exhausted. When you feel like you have tried everything to get to a better place and you still feel hopeless. When covering the trauma with productivity isn't enough to help you cope.

Even with your seeming strength, you need help so when it feels like you are spinning out of control, do not be afraid to seek help. Admitting to needing help doesn't make you weak, it takes strength and a strong person to admit they need help and actually seek it.

You don't have to be desperate and on the verge of ending your life before you seek help. It's never too early or too late to reach out to someone who can help. Do it now.

Reach out to someone; be your own upgrade. Seek help and heal.

Heal so you don't ever have to give sarcastic, snarky replies to uplifting messages. Heal so you never have to make someone else bear the brunt of your frustrations. Heal so when someone tells you they love you, you may allow yourself believe them. Heal so you can love yourself the way you wish other people did. Heal so you never get attracted to toxic relationships or individuals again.

On some days the sky is low and the rain is hard. On other days, your friends will hurl mean words at you, your family will haunt you and sometimes you will not trust your mouth. But everything will make sense in the end.

You are not done. You're never done and you are never alone.

 You're never done and you are never alone

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