Snippets of Hope: XXXII.

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You are not responsible for the way your character was shaped at a young age, the way you were brought up by your parents or guardians. Don't own the terrible things that were done to your younger self, it won't change the fact they made the decision to do it to you. However, it is your responsibility now to make the best out of your life. You are your own person and you should never live for anyone else, not even your parents. 

At a point in time, you will need to stop giving excuses for why you act the way you do and start fixing the things wrong in your life. Your parents choices and actions created a predisposition, not a destiny, you can do something about the you now. 

We urge you to let go and take charge of your happiness, make deliberate choices about your life and how it can impact you positively. Maybe you don't have a big heart, you might simply lack boundaries which allows almost everyone to get away with things. Always put yourself first, other people's mental health isn't your business if you can't take care of yourself first. Your body will store the trauma you bury, listen to it, it might be telling you it's time to heal. 

Sometimes we try to distract ourselves from the pain rather than truly heal or convince ourselves that happiness is the goal but it isn't. Happiness isn't the end goal to your struggle. Weird, right? You will think all you need to be is happier and you are well but it isn't the case. This is because happiness is an emotion just like sadness and anger. 

You are allowed to feel all of these emotions but trying to make happiness the ultimate end goal releases unrealistic expectations onto you that may end up in disappointment. So down the journey, don't expect to always be happy. You'll be sad and all other emotions in between but the main goal is to be healthy mentally.

Take responsibility but don't take responsibility for the things that are not your fault. You're not alone.

 You're not alone

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