Snippets of Hope: VII.

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You will be okay.

It might sound like a mantra, mere words people will utter to give you hope that barely lasts or get you off their backs. After all, you're far from okay neither does it look or feel like anything will be okay.

But that's not it. What they are trying to say is, healing is a process. You will be okay. It sounds, maybe even looks impossible but that's because it's a journey. A journey that might be slow, sometimes stagnant but as long as you put in a little work, conscious efforts, it's possible.

Let go of the past, work on old habits, embrace new habits and accept your own internal experiences. You don't have to agree with that tiny voice inside your head but accept your emotions without judgements. Remind yourself that you are allowed to feel. On the days the world will say no to you, your job is to keep saying yes with the same doggedness life has thrown its ups and downs your way.

Remember to take a break if and when you need it. Remember to eat healthy, it helps your brain grow. Remember to be unashamed with your laugh, whether loud or silent. Remember you are so much more than you think. Remember to love and to truly live.

To be at peace with yourself, you have to go through life's path. But remember, on this journey, you are not alone.

 But remember, on this journey, you are not alone

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