Snippets of Hope: XIV.

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Sometimes your doubts are loud; too loud. Your thoughts are fixated on your failures and shortcomings until all that's left is a long list of regrets which keeps piling up and that is unfair to you, the changes you have made.

It's unfair how there are billions of people in the world and you hold yourself to a standard of what and where you should be at this point in your life. Standards set by people who know nothing about you and have never walked a minute in your shoes.

Why should you compare yourself to anyone else? What algorithm was used when putting yourself on the same pedestal as others?What scenarios were considered and why should the same terms and conditions apply to you? Why? Were you all born in the same environment, with the same highs and lows? Are you running the same race? Does life in general give everyone equal chances?

Is this an excuse for not trying? No. It's a reminder to stop letting those voices thrive in silence.

Speak back. Yes, speak back. Most times, these self-doubts focus on the negatives, the things outside your reach, beyond your control and might have you feeling like your achievements are nothing. But that's not the case. Remind yourself daily of your triumphs, proclaim your small wins with the same excitement as a huge one because it is a big deal. Recognise your growth, look back on your progress and give yourself a treat. Dwell on these accomplishments until they become loud voices in place of the doubts.

As much as we say you are allowed to feel what you feel, you are not just the sum of the feelings of your highs and lows. Life doesn't come in black and white, there are always in betweens and you're allowed to feel that too.

Life is not lost by dying, it's lost minute by minute, day by day. Make each second count, you are not alone.

 Make each second count, you are not alone

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