Snippets of Hope: XXXI.

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Most people's harmful words or actions toward you are a projection of themselves, sometimes they come from a place of deep rooted insecurity. These people are limited, maybe hurt too and it's okay to accept them for who they are but do not waste so much time trying to fix problems that were never yours to begin with. Don't allow them manipulate the narrative because of this.

Seeking empathy or explanations from people who hurt you by the projection of their fears or insecurities is a wide stretch. You cannot keep upsetting yourself with the thoughts of "why don't they care about me as much as I care about them", "how come they don't see what they are doing is wrong". In doing this, you place people on a pedestal that allows them to get away with their wrongs instead of letting them be accountable for their fears and actions. 

Stop justifying the way people hurt you and why they act the way they are towards you. There's never an excuse for being unkind to your fellow human. You're feeling what you are feeling and that's okay, enough with "but I understand where they're coming from", they hurt you and that's it. Let them take responsibility for that, it's not your job to make excuses for their bad behaviours. 

As you break free from all these toxic traits, try to remember that these people can be your family members and loved ones. Even if it might be hard sometimes, cut out toxic people no matter who it is. In the case where you have no choice but to deal with them, try to limit your interaction with them. Set boundaries for your peace of mind.

You have to be responsible for you and your healing. You first! You are not alone.

 You first! You are not alone

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