Snippets of Hope: I.

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The times we are in now can shake even the strongest of us to our cores. Trying is hard, keeping up hope and faith is harder. It's not a you problem so don't feel alone in it. Don't feel bad for wanting to hide away from the world at this point. It's all of us and it's why we remind you today that you are not alone.

Sometimes we regret the fact that there is no peace in our society, beat ourselves up without realizing that we should try to be at peace with ourselves first. In certain matters, we should be selfless, but in matters of sanity, love, joy, it's okay to be selfish sometimes. Let's give from the abundance of what we have. Let it flow from the overflow. If you don't have it enough, you can't give it.

You first.

We stand together, here for each and every one of us. All seasons end, both good and bad and as we look forward to better times, we rise, we rest, we stand.

You Are Not Alone!

You Are Not Alone!

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