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nita4rever My one and only ishi aki:) Wattpad wouldn't have been fun without you. I like your love for writing, and your dreams to make it big. Since you understand French, I'll just go ahead and say, 'Tu est très bonne, et ta personalité est amicable!


Sebastien6teen Saying that I enjoy your story, is calling chocolate 'nice'. Added to this, you are a good company, and are one of the genial persons I've met here. :)


dianekleine Quite an angel to me. Baby girl, you've been very supportive, and the least I can do is to give you this shout out. You are amazing—always there to keep me on my toes...sort of. Lol. Your eagerness to read the stuff I write warms my heart. (T_T) Just wanted to say thank you!


pen_ink_thorn Girl, you have no idea how much I love our daily conversations. I love getting that notification that I have a new email from you. It is awesome to learn more about you and seeing how much in common we are. I can't wait to see how much our friendship grows over the coming years. 


maramartha The fact that you write so well, and are very approachable makes me want to meet you in person (I'm not a stalker, lol). You bring life, and most importantly, depth to your stories. Romance is a genre that has suffered in the hands of amateur writers, but you are among the few that try to restore its glory. Thank you for finding time to chat with me, and thanks for being YOU!

 Thank you for finding time to chat with me, and thanks for being YOU!

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