Snippets of Hope: XVII.

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Why do you need boundaries? When do you know it's time to say no? When does it become okay to refuse to help?

Sometimes you wonder why you have little to no energy left for yourself or lack interest to do the things you love. It's because you gave it all away, you gave all of yourself without saving some of that energy for yourself. 

It's important to know when to stop giving, when to draw lines. Understand the rules of reconnection, know when to take a break and recharge. Understand that the boundaries are for you because in matters of self care you come first sometimes. 

You can't give what you dont have. And if they get angry or are resentful towards you, it doesn't mean you have to say yes. Hold your grounds.

People who truly love you should be able to respect your boundaries without guilt tripping you. In matters of boundaries, it's okay to evaluate your circle. It's very important to save some energy for yourself too because no one leads your life but you.

Just because you can take it, doesn't mean you have to. Suffering isn't a superpower. You are not alone.

 You are not alone

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