Snippets of Hope: XXVII.

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Are you happy? When was the last time you truly felt content or at peace with the state of things? What deliberate attempts have you made to change the things you don't like? What efforts have you put in place to improve your lifestyle? Or, do you continuously drift through life? Floating, simply existing rather than living?

Do you tie your happiness to material things? Is it measured by the things you cannot afford? Remember, money might buy you a comfortable bed to cry in or good phones to take perfect selfies but it will never fill the gaping hole in your heart or hide the emptiness in your eyes. All it can do is make you comfortable in your misery.

If money is the only place you can find happiness then you will always be poor. If flaunting or sourcing for wealth is the only time you ever come alive, then you are not truly living. The cure to your pain or nagging feeling of discontent isn't found in pills, alcoholic drinks and intoxication. It's not found in the foreign currencies you obsess over. The real you shouldn't be measured by the size of your wallet, your joy shouldn't depend on the amount inside your pocket.

While having money is good, being able to afford what you want is better, you should never lose sight of the things money cannot buy. Take a moment to breathe, how easy was that? Did it cost you anything? How much money would ever compare to your ability to breathe freely? Are you grateful for this almost easy-to-forget gift? If you are not, you should be because it is a promise for a better today and a greater tomorrow.

You put so much pressure on yourself to the point you fail to see and appreciate the things you have, to truly be happy. Yes, your mates have this, they have that and you don't have it just yet. But you forget the same mates who have lost in this journey called life. You forget the small smiles people send your way in appreciation of your existence in their lives. You forget the people rooting and praying for you. You forget how to be you. You forget the little things that sum up your unique existence.

If all you do is compare yourself to your mates, you will never see past what you don't have. Learn to look through the smokescreen they put up, the facade of happiness they have perfected. If doing that thing makes you unhappy and the power to change it is within you, why then do you wait and continue to be miserable when you are all the miracle you ever asked for?

We cannot show you how to be happy but we can ask you to look around you, what are you grateful for today? Only you can make you happy and you can start by loving yourself, being content with what you have or working to change the status quo. If you are not happy, money will only amplify your sadness.

Take a breather, count your blessings in the form of things money cannot buy, you are not alone.

Take a breather, count your blessings in the form of things money cannot buy, you are not alone

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