Snippets of Hope: VIII.

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We hope you discover that you are made of the magic in the stars; a perfectly imperfect beauty. Stand in front of the mirror, allow your beauty to mesmerise you as you smile and laugh without a care.

Start this day with nothing but love and forgiveness in your heart. The zeal to try harder than you did yesterday. You alone are enough, you have nothing to prove to anyone.

To attract better, you have to become a better version of yourself. Start working on yourself because you are responsible for your happiness. Create it.

Forgive and allow yourself time to heal. Allow yourself feel every emotion, take it easy. Be with people who are good for your soul. Walk away from the things that cause you pain, even if you stumble a little on your way out give yourself credit because you deserve it for your bravery to move on.

There's no timetable that all of us must follow, you are not behind in life. So regain your focus, get back on track, give the rest of 2020 everything you have got. Small progress is still progress.

Create the life you deserve, vibrate love, you are not alone.

Create the life you deserve, vibrate love, you are not alone

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