Snippets of Hope: XXV.

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Welcome to a new day and another week filled with fresh opportunities and a chance to do over. The difference between yesterday and today lies in time as small as the fraction of a second. Seconds run into minutes and minutes into days, the perfect definition of how small things turn into big things. 

So, if you are wondering how to start afresh or tackle those big problems that look like a mountain, start small, start this second, take a minute step. They say life is too short to spend all of it crying over wasted time, and maybe now is the moment to take that advise, to wipe the tears and get back on track.

Spend less time mourning, break your silly egos, forgive quickly, believe slowly, laugh loudly and never avoid things that make you happy. Make goals intended for career, self betterment, alongside activity oriented tasks that improve your mental health. Think about the end goal, close your eyes and let the feeling of future success wash over you as you dream about it. Speak it into existence, tell your team or friends and make plans towards it. 

Productivity isn't necessarily the key to happiness. Filling up all your time with stuffs won't make you happy but it will stop the negative thoughts from thriving in silence and idleness. It will take you one step closer to your dreams.

As you go about your daily activities today, we hope you realise and understand that every new second is all the time you need to start over, it doesn't have to be a new day. 

Cheers to strength for new beginnings, you are not alone.

Cheers to strength for new beginnings, you are not alone

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