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The day is finally over and you want nothing more than to hide under your bed sheets. Your failed attempt on the challenge spread like wild fire among the students in the school.

You're definitely like all the other girls now.

Zico nudges your shoulder. "I'm off to soccer practice. Make sure you get home safely." Haru stands up from her seat and also says her farewell to you both. "I'll be heading to the art club. See you two tomorrow morning."

Your two friends scurry off to their extracurricular clubs. Being the odd one out, you decide not to partake in any clubs. The thought of staying after school longer makes you shiver. Grumbling, you push your chair out to stand up and leave for the day. You drag your feet, walking down the hallway.

What should you do when you get home?



Wallow up in self pity?

Your schedule starts to grow as you ponder more suggestions.

"Have any of you seen Y/L/N?" An energetic voice speaks loudly in the front entrance of the first year wing. You turn to look in the direction of the voice, noticing Bokuto. He gazes past the students in the entrance and his golden eyes land on you. A devilish smirk forms on his face and you're quick to turn around. That smirk gives you bad vibes. "THERE YOU ARE!" Bokuto calls out to you. He notices your quick reaction to run and bolts after you. "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING Y/L/N?!"

"WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ME, BOKUTO?!" You yell out, frantic by how fast he's catching up to you. You side step, feeling a harsh breeze past you which is Bokuto. A loud screeching sound comes from Bokuto's shoes, he's already on your tail again when he sees you take a U-turn.

"I'LL TELL YOU IF YOU STOP RUNNING." Bokuto yells out, a grin on his face. Slightly curious but still frantic, you continue to run past the students and towards the door that leads out to the first year wing. "HEY, WAIT Y/L/N. TAKE YOUR INDOOR SHOES OFF."

"YOU DIDN'T TAKE OFF YOUR OUTDOOR SHOES." You retort. At that moment you feel a cold gaze resting on you.

"You two are being immature." Akaashi stands in front of the first year wing, his hand stretches out to grab the running Bokuto. Coming to a stop, you squeak out an apology. His gunmetal blue eyes downcast to your shoes. Before he can say a word to you, you hurry inside to change your shoes out.

"Why are you even here Bokuto?" Akaashi murmurs, releasing his hold on Bokuto's arm. "You left in a hurry and this is where I find you? Chasing after a first year?"

"She has a name." Bokuto says with a pout, crossing his arms. Akaashi just shrugs in response. You walk over to the two, bowing in apology.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now