Held by fear

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"I saw them yesterday. They were distant."

"Someone did say Y/L/N was crying this morning."

"Did they break up? That doesn't explain why the setter challenge was deleted though."

"Who cares. That means we have a chance to be with Akaashi now!"

Gossip about your breakup spread around lunchtime. You overhear a few girls converse in the hallway. They cut their conversation short when you walk past them. Your swollen eyes can confirm their rumors. Not wanting to linger around for long in the hallway; you hurry to the infirmary to get a pack of ice for your eyes. The coolness will help with the swelling.

"Nurse?" You knock on the infirmary door but there's no response. Carefully, you push the door open.

No one is in the infirmary room. She must've stepped out.

You help yourself to an ice pack from the cooler. Not wanting to idle here, you try to find a quiet spot to be alone. The courtyard and rooftop is out of the question. Bumping into Akaashi is not something you want to do right now.

Your footsteps echo in the empty hallway as you decide to head for the library. Upon entering the library, you find a bookshelf in the far back to hide behind. You sit down on the carpet, resting your back against the bookshelf. Closing your eyes, you raise the ice pack over your closed eyes. The coolness makes you slightly shiver.

You feel yourself relax from the silence. But with silence comes your busy thoughts.


Just saying his name in your mind makes you frown. Anxiety litters your palm. You raise your knees to your chest and rest your forehead against them. He was always within reach but now he's not. You took it for granted when Akaashi was around. He never smiled or laughed when the two of you were together. Something about that makes you sad.

Were you uncapable to bring those emotions out of him?

A frown etches onto your face the more you think about him. Ignoring him is one thing but not being able to stop your thoughts of him is another.

"I'm so hopeless." You mutter under your breath. Lowering the ice pack from your eyes, you feel the tears well up again.

How long are you willing to cry over him? When is enough, enough?

It's not like he cared. Your tears have no meaning when Akaashi is blind to your own emotions. But you're too weak and scared. You didn't want to admit to these emotions anymore. It's better to forget this feeling you have for him. That's what Akaashi is doing anyway.

But something aches in your heart when you think like this.

That's not who you are. You wear your heart on your sleeve.

Another wave of sadness washes over you. You start to quietly cry alone in the library.


"Akaashi." A voice full of anger calls out to him in the courtyard. Konoha and Bokuto glance past Akaashi to see who the person is. They're not surprised when they see Haru and Zico. Akaashi slowly turns around in his seat. A hand meets his face and the others widen their eyes in shock. Haru glares at Akaashi, her hand aching from the hard slap she's given Akaashi. He's in complete shock when his brain slowly processes that he's been slapped by Haru.

Akaashi raises a hand to his cheek, furrowing his brows together. "Excuse you?" He mutters.

Zico pulls Haru back, eyeing her with an alarmed expression. "You said you were going to talk to him. Not slap him Haru!"

"Sometimes things don't go as planned." Haru spits out, pulling herself away from Zico. She clenches her hands into fists. "You think you're so great, don't you Akaashi?! Using Y/N as a fake girlfriend." Akaashi grows silent, his heart stops for a brief moment.

Y/N...she told them the truth.

"Explain yourself! While you're sitting here with that stupid still expression of yours, Y/N is somewhere crying and being gossiped about." Haru's raised voice turns into a pained one. "You couldn't pick another girl to toy with? I swear this is why I hate boys."

"Haru..." Zico tenses, unsure how to calm her down.

"What are you saying? Y/N and Akaashi were faking this whole time?" Konoha grows confused, his brows knitting together. Haru scoffs, not surprised that Akaashi hasn't told him. "Akaashi used Y/N as a fake girlfriend for his own benefit." Haru replies with a sharp glare towards Akaashi. "Selfish through and through."

The word 'selfish' stabs Akaashi in the chest. His brows knit together when he looks at Haru.

"Are you done being dramatic?" Akaashi bluntly speaks. "Shouldn't you go look for Y/N?"

Haru flares her nostrils, gritting her teeth together. "You don't get it do you Akaashi? Y/N, she's crying. She's crying over a dick like you who doesn't seem to care about her."

Crying over him? Why?

Hearing Haru bring this up makes his heart ache. He's too scared to think on the situation. Lying through his teeth he speaks up. "I can't be bothered."

Haru widens her eyes in disbelief. She's too shocked to be angry at Akaashi. "Your words don't match up with your eyes Akaashi." Zico steps in front of Haru, narrowing his eyes on Akaashi's gunmetal blue ones.

Akaashi's crying.

He feels the tears drip onto his cheeks. His fingers are quick to wipe them away.

"Looks like you're cracking." Haru murmurs towards Akaashi. "If only Y/N was here to see you cry over her." Haru smirks, walking away from Akaashi. "You two are more alike than you think Akaashi." Zico glances at Akaashi before following after Haru. Akaashi turns around, his brows furrowing together as the tears continue to trickle down his face.

Is he going to let this fear of his hold back his chance of love? 

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now