Envious smile

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It's been a week since your first attempt of the challenge and you're losing hope in completing the second rule.

Who exactly is counting the days that you're maintaining Akaashi's attention? Is it Bokuto?

"Y/N!" Haru calls out to you, attempting to warn you for the oncoming badminton shuttlecock. You react a second too late when you feel a hit against your forehead. Thankfully you weren't hit by a tennis ball. But the pain still hurts since the shuttlecock came flying with such force. Haru's yelling caught the attention of the others. A mix of first, second, and third years.

Bokuto happens to see the event and snorts. Akaashi who stands next to him, shaking his head and not glancing over at Y/L/N. "I wonder what Y/L/N's thinking so deeply about." Bokuto whispers to Akaashi.

"Are you alright?" Zico hurries over to Y/N's side, noticing the red mark in the middle of her forehead. He can't help himself from laughing. You furrow your brows together, pushing Zico to the side. "You hit that towards me didn't you?!" Rubbing your forehead, you lean over to pick up the shuttlecock. "Go back over there Zico. Haru, I'm challenging him to a game really quick."

Haru smirks, amused at the sudden game challenge. "Alright, I'll keep score then. Best of 5 points?"

"Pfft, let's do best of 3. Y/N will easily miss her shots." Zico overconfidently speaks up, walking back to the other side. "Suit yourself." You clap back, rubbing your forehead once more before tossing the birdie up, forcefully hitting it against your racquet. Zico barely has the time to prepare, running backwards to counter your attack.

The two of you silently fight it out, neither of you gaining a point just yet.

"Looks like an intense game over there." Bokuto raises his eyebrows, not focusing on his stretches. Akaashi peers from the corner of his eye towards the badminton court. Y/L/N is running around her side of the court, not missing a beat to strike back. Bokuto eyes Akaashi's curious glance, mentally checking todays count for maintaining attention.

"GIVE IT UP ZICO." You cry out. Zico shakes his head, panting for air as the two of you are still fighting for the first point. "As if I will you bitch." Zico tiredly calls out. "Bitch!?" Your eyes watch the birdie fly towards you, you pull your arm back, slamming the racquet against the birdie. At that moment the sun reappears from being hidden by the clouds, invading Zico's eyes. He misses completely and the first point is yours.

"Y/N gets the first point!" Haru giggles when she watches Y/N jump up and down in excitement. "Bitch that, Zico!" You taunt, sticking your tongue out at him. "Now you're just being immature." Zico smirks, walking over to pick up the birdie. "This is going to be a long game, isn't it?" Haru exhales, staring at the two who are glaring at one another.

Zico begins to serve, knitting his brows together with a smirk. "Not if Y/N let's me win." He grunts when he hits the birdie. You're quick to send the birdie back, your force a bit weaker than earlier. Zico hurries up near the net, recovering the birdie before it lands. It takes him two hits before he sends it back over the net.

"Did you want to go watch Akaashi? We can say hi to her while we're at it." Bokuto nudges Akaashi's shoulder, a grin on his face. Akaashi sighs at the idea, standing up on his feet. Bokuto looks up at Akaashi who wears an unreadable expression. Wiggling his eyebrows up and down, Bokuto doesn't back down. "You want to, right?"

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now