Secretly rich

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Akaashi left your side when you're told to spend the remainder of the day in the infirmary. The principle made a personal appearance to apologize on his daughters behalf. Like you expected, the situation is being dusted under the rug. The principle promises to watch after you from today forward. Sakura gained a suspension for the remainder of the month after confessing to her actions. So there was some justice to the problem.

You nodded off into a nap sometime after the conversation with the principle and awaken when you hear the final bell ring.

"Is Y/N still here?" You hear muffled voices past the curtains beside you. Sitting up, you touch your cheek, wincing. A sharp pain then bolts in your stomach making you lean over in agony. "Y/N?" Akaashi's deep voice speaks above you, he stares at you with worried eyes. Clenching your teeth, you look up with a forced smile. "Hey."

"How are you feeling?"

"My stomach hurts now. Guess the adrenaline from earlier helped me ignore the pain." You lift the blanket off of you, sliding into your shoes. "I think my swelling went down? It hurts to touch my cheek so I'm not sure..." Frowning, you raise your fingers near your face. Even the most delicate touch makes you wince.

Akaashi helps you stand up, offering you his arm to hold onto. Taking his offer, you place your hand on his arm. You hesitate when you feel his muscles. Nervously pulling your hand back away from him, you stand up yourself. "Sorry for being a bit weird right now." Murmuring under your breath, you tuck your hair behind your ear.

"It's alright. Should we get going? The shoe store is not far from the school." Akaashi leads you out of the infirmary. Before leaving, you thank the school nurse. Walking beside Akaashi, you feel an awkward silence loom over. The atmosphere making you feel antsy. You thought the two of you have passed this stage, but maybe you haven't. "So, what did the principle say?" Akaashi initiates the conversation. You glance at him from the corner of your eye, clasping your hands together. "Sakura is suspended for the remainder of the month. The principle insists I don't tell my parents about this and he'll make sure to keep an eye on me from now on."

Akaashi looks glum when he hears the results of todays fight. "So he's just covering his ass."

Surprised from Akaashi's response, you try to lighten the mood. "I'm just glad this won't be on my record and my parents are blind to the situation."

"What are you going to tell them about your face injury when you get home then?" Akaashi stares at you, stopping in his steps. "That a volleyball hit me in the face?" That's the quickest lie you can muster up. It's not like you were in a claw fight. Your injuries are on your right cheek and stomach. Akaashi sighs at you, continuing his walk. "Your friends Haru and Zico panicked when I told them what happened to you. I had an earful from the two." Akaashi changes the subject, his brows twitching when he remembers how loud the two were. "Zico threatened to kick my ass."

"He did?" You can see Zico saying something stupid like that. Giggling, you apologize for your friends. Akaashi shakes his head. "You dealt with something far worse than being lectured." He grows quiet, down casting his eyes to the ground as the two wait for the crosswalk light. "I'm sorry again Y/N." His tone has a trace of guilt. Lightly slapping his arm, you grumble. "Stop apologizing Keiji. I'm fine. Now there's nothing to worry about while Sakura is away."

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now