What now?

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"What's on your mind Y/N?" Akaashi reaches for your hand. The two of you wait outside while Pierre is being looked after. There's several things circling around your mind.

Where do you even begin?

Flicking your eyes over to Akaashi, you part your lips to speak but instead you feel tears trickle down your cheeks.

Akaashi knits his brows together and his heart sinks. Y/N bares a lot of stress and she's only smiled through it all until today. Now that the two are alone, he envelopes her in an embrace. "It's okay, you don't have to answer." Akaashi whispers into her ear, his palm stroking her back in circular motions.

You raise your arms slowly to return Akaashi's embrace. You're overwhelmed by his warmth and patience for everything that's happening. There's no way you can be apart from him.

"Tomorrow...let's go do something together. Just the two of us. I believe we're long overdue a first date Y/N." Akaashi leans back a little so he's able to see her face. "A...A date?" You sniffle, wiping away your tears. Now that you think about it, neither of you have been able to be alone like this since you've started dating. The two of you were always around others and the small moments of togetherness was slim.

"Yeah. Make sure to not tell Konoha. It'd be a pain if he followed us." Akaashi scrunches his nose when he thinks about Konoha's persistence. He strokes her hair and forms a small smile. "I can't solve all your problems but I hope this can be a little distraction from everything going on."

Your heart wavers when you look at Akaashi. He's trying his best to comfort you in his own way. You really do love him. The way you feel about him surpassed the word 'like'.

"So...about earlier." Akaashi lowers his eyes, a blush forming on his face. You grow anxious when you see Akaashi's expression. "You told your father that you lo—" Akaashi cuts himself off. His heart beats wildly against his chest. He lowers his hat to hide his flustered reaction.

A giggle escapes your lips when you see how coy Akaashi is. You extend your hands towards his face, cupping his face to force him to look at you. "I didn't say that word loosely for the moment." The corner of your lips curl into a smile.

"I really do love you Keiji." You whisper these vulnerable words towards him. "More than anyone else. Why else would I defy my parents to this extent?" Akaashi loses his breath when he feels Y/N's lips on his. You feel Akaashi's lips tremble against yours. You're about to pull away but Akaashi places a hand on the back of your head. He holds you still and returns your kiss passionately.

Your cheeks burn when his kisses become aggressive. The moment you feel lightheaded, Akaashi pulls away and apologizes. "S-Sorry. I couldn't help myself...I felt so overwhelmed hearing your confession." You shyly shake your head, tapping your heated cheeks with your fingers. You didn't expect Akaashi to kiss you like this in public.

"I love you too Y/N." Akaashi shyly mumbles to you. He looks directly at you, clenching his hands into fists inside of his jean pockets. "I don't think anyone will go through this much trouble just to be with me. You've put up with a lot for my sake. As a fake girlfriend and now an actual girlfriend." He exhales with a smirk on his face. "I think you might be just as obsessed over me than I am of you."

You clam up from his words, hiding your face with your hands. "S-Shut up! I'm not obsessed. I'm just in love with you Keiji." Akaashi pulls you back into an embrace and nuzzles his face in the nape of your neck. "And I hope it's not temporary like your father stated."

"Of course not." You grumble out, giving Akaashi a squeeze around his waist. "I'd be an idiot if I broke up with a hottie like you." Akaashi widens his eyes from Y/N's compliment. He bites his bottom lip and he feels his heart racing. Y/N always surprises him with her comebacks. Chuckling dryly, Akaashi gives her a squeeze. "A hottie?" He wears a sly smirk, whispering his words lowly.

Your face flushes when you feel his breath tickle your bare skin. "Yes? Have you not looked at yourself." You murmur, pouting. Akaashi pulls away to look at you. "I'm too focused on you Y/N. Have you seen yourself?" Akaashi pokes your nose with a gentle smile. You bite your inner cheek, feeling a heat creep across your face.

"Love birds, we're back!" Bokuto calls out to the two of you from the main entrance. The two of you turn around to see Konoha, Bokuto, and Pierre. You hurry over to Pierre and look him over. They cleaned up his lip and it seems like they've bandaged his right arm. "What did the doctor say?" You ask Pierre.

"I'll be fine. The bruises will take some time to clear up but nothing major was broken."

"Then...why is your arm bandaged?"

Pierre reflexively reaches for his right arm when you mention it. Konoha clears his throat to get your attention. "Hey, don't pester the patient. We should take him back home so he can get some rest."

Bokuto exhales, stretching his arms up. "This Saturday took a complete turn. I hope Zico is having a better Saturday than the five of us."

Pierre eyes the redness in your cheek and timidly touches it. "Is your cheek still hurting from when your father slapped you, Miss?" You've forgotten about that. Shaking your head, you place your hand over Pierre's. "I'm fine. Let's get you back to Konoha's place." You lower Pierre's hand down and the five of you walk over to Konoha's car.

"Do you think Yamoto will serve lunch for us?" Bokuto rubs his stomach. "I've only eaten chips all today." Akaashi dryly chuckles and shakes his head. "I think you're the most calm one out of all of us."

"He did just watch everything unfold." Konoha comments. Bokuto grins from ear to ear, a boastful laughter erupts from his throat. "I'm just here for the ride. Next time, I'm staying home."

"Don't complain about being left out of the loop then." Akaashi curtly says eyeing Bokuto from the backseat. The conversation falls silent with the sound of the radio. Everyone in their own thoughts.

Konoha braces himself to tell his father about todays events.

Pierre questions what he should do from here on out.

Will he accept Konoha's offer to be his butler or should he try to find another career path?

Akaashi ponders on where he should take Y/N out for tomorrows date.

Bokuto is aimlessly thinking of dishes to ask Yamoto to make when they arrive at Konoha's estate.

And Y/N...she wonders where she should go from here. There isn't a home for her to go back to and she's stayed long overdue her welcome in the Konoha household.

Should she find a job to earn an income?

Zico mentioned the rental job is quick cash but the thought didn't sit right with her. Her thoughts slowly eat at her.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now