Rooftop lunch

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"You've gone completely stupid." Zico is already lecturing you about your post this morning. The three of you are making your way up to the rooftop for lunch. With the change of season, the weather is getting hotter as the summer starts.

You wanted to get away from the crowded courtyard and it appears that you weren't the only one who had the same idea.

"Hello Y/L/N-chan~" Bokuto waves at you from the left side of the rooftop. Akaashi and Konoha are sitting on the ground hidden by the shadows of the larger potted plants. Akaashi hasn't noticed you yet. His eyes appear to be glued to his phone screen. "What are you guys doing up here?" You ask Bokuto.

Zico takes a seat next to Konoha, the two seeming like best buddies since Saturdays hangout. Haru sits across from the three, taking in the sun as she unwraps the cloth that holds her bento box. Hearing your voice, Akaashi looks up. "Oh, when did you guys get here?" He speaks nonchalantly, a still expression on his face. Bokuto sits next to Haru, attempting to grab one of her chicken pieces. "Akaashi's trying to hide from his fan club so we're up here." Bokuto answers your question.

You debate where to sit, staring at Haru's right empty side and Akaashi. He glances to his left, scooting over for you. "Come here." You furrow your brows from his commanding tone. Akaashi notices how odd his words may sound and continues with his sentence. "I need to ask you a question."

"For a second there I thought Akaashi was commanding Y/N." Zico says aloud. "It sounded like that didn't it?" Konoha chuckles. "He's not that kind of guy." Bokuto interjects. "Akaashi is a softy at heart, right? You couldn't possibly be the dominant one in the relationship."

"UHM. Let's not make things weird." You cut the conversation off, making your way over to Akaashi and sitting next to him. The six of you break off into your own smaller conversations. Akaashi moves his phone in between the two of you, showing you a website for indoor school shoes. "I don't know your shoe size." Feeling touched by Akaashi's gesture, a smile forms on your face. "I told you to not worry about it."

"I know, but." Akaashi bites his tongue. He feels awkward being pushy. Let alone weird for not speaking bluntly. "You didn't want to ask your parents, right?"

"W-Well." Akaashi's caught you there. You couldn't think of a lie to tell them why you needed a new pair of shoes. You didn't have a job either so the amount of money you have is your savings from special events like your birthday and holidays. The only other times your parents gave you money is for your grades on certain tests.

Taking in Y/N's silence Akaashi hands her his phone. "Pick the shoe size and we'll pick it up after school." Feeling Akaashi's phone in your hand, you glance down at the website. Sliding through the options, you select your size and hand him his phone back. "Don't you have volleyball practice after school Keiji?"Akaashi nods his head. "I'll give Yukie a heads up that I won't be there for practice today."

Bokuto overhears the conversation and butts himself in. "You're skipping practice?" He gasps dramatically. "Are you two going on an after school date?" A devilish grin forms on Bokuto's face, an expression he wears too often lately. Akaashi glares at him, shaking his head. "We're picking up a new pair of shoes for Y/N."

"Oh~" Bokuto smirks, glancing back at Haru to continue their conversation. Akaashi turns his attention back to you. "Did anyone reply to your post from this morning?" Nodding your head, you pull up the post. Your finger scrolls through the many comments. "It's just a bunch of reaction comments. I highly doubt the culprit will actually come out and confess. Whoever it is seems to be keeping an eye out on me." You slide your phone back into your skirt pocket. Pondering for a moment. You wonder if it's the third year.

Akaashi quietly stares at Y/N's thinking expression. He feels guilty for dragging Y/N into this despite her saying she's also partially at fault. Whoever did it may attack her again but in a more malicious way. Being a second year, it's impossible for him to protect her if anything happens in the first year wing. He's no Superman. Appearing whenever she's in trouble is unrealistic.

What could he do to ensure she wouldn't find herself in a troubling situation?

"'re staring." You whisper with pink cheeks. "It's making me shy, can you stop that?" Extending your hand up, you hover your hand over Akaashi's eyes.

Seeing her shy nature, Akaashi's eyes softens. "Sorry." He mutters out in a low whisper.

You lower your hand to look at his face. "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Akaashi curtly answers you, lowering his eyes back to his phone. Puckering your lips into a pout, you shrug. "I guess we're not that close enough yet to tell each other what's on our mind?" Akaashi notices the slight dejection in Y/N's tone. She slowly gets up and pats the back of her skirt. "I'm going to look at the flowers."

You leave the group to walk over to the opposite side of the rooftop. A few more students are relaxing up here, chatting and eating lunch together. Your eyes scan for the white cosmos you and Akaashi stared at together. You notice how it's slightly wilted. The corner of your lips turn downward into a frown. Glancing around, you find a watering can tucked to the side.

Did the school hire someone to tend to these plants and flowers? If so, they're slacking.

You notice the watering can is empty and decide to head down to the bathroom to refill it.

Hurrying down the stairs and walking through the hallway, you push open the bathroom door. Turning on the sink, you hover the can under the flowing water. The door creaks open when another girl steps inside. You didn't pay her any attention at first. "Nice to see you again Y/L/N Y/N."

Raising your eyes away from the watering can, you see the exact person you expected.

The ring leader of the fan club— the third year senior.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now