Guy talk

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"That's a rare sight." Haru notices Y/N and Konoha walking together.

When did those two get so close?

"Y/N!" Haru calls out to Y/N, waving her hand cheerfully. "Haru!"

Nice. You can finally get away from Konoha.

You hurry over to her side, giving her a tight hug. "Please get me away from Konoha." You whisper into her ear. Haru knits her brows together and slightly nods. She takes your hand in hers and hurries off. "W-Where are you two going without me?!" Konoha shouts out. He readies himself to chase after the two but a hand pulls at the back of his shirt collar.

"Why are you so close to Y/N for Konoha?" A pair of golden eyes glare at him.


Konoha gulps, awkwardly smirking. "It's a long story."

"I have time. Homeroom isn't starting for another 20 minutes." Bokuto grins, releasing his hold on Konoha's collar. Akaashi glares at Konoha when he stands next to Bokuto. "I told him half of the story of this weekend. You can fill him in with the rest." Akaashi walks ahead of the two, keeping his expression still.

"W-Wait. I have something to tell you too Akaashi. Let's just talk on the rooftop." Konoha calls out to Akaashi. He relaxes his stiffness with a sly smile. "It's about Y/N."

Akaashi glues himself to the ground, turning his head slightly to look at Konoha.

Why is Konoha making that expression? Did he do something to Y/N last night?

If he did, Akaashi isn't willing to forgive him.

"Fine. Let's go then." Akaashi changes his course.


Bokuto holds his head after listening to the entire story. "What the fuck?! Why was I not invited yesterday!"

Konoha and Akaashi droop their shoulders when they look at Bokuto.

Out of the entire story he's more upset at being left out of the drama?

"Well...I guess Haru was also left out." Bokuto murmurs to himself. "But, what's wrong with you Konoha?! Making a move on your friends girlfriend. Have you not heard of the bro code?" Bokuto slaps Konoha in the back hard. Konoha yelps, rubbing the spot Bokuto's hit.

"First of all, I didn't know the two were dating when I went out with her on our fake date!" Konoha blurts out, furrowing his brows together as he grumbles about the pain on his back.

"You know now and you're still trying to flirt with her, aren't you?" Bokuto retorts back. The silence from Konoha is enough to conclude the answer.

"Don't bother lecturing him Bokuto. He's hurting himself more." Akaashi speaks lowly, eyeing Konoha from the corner of his eye. "Now what is it that you wanted to tell me about Y/N?" Konoha purses his lips, feeling coy. Bokuto and Akaashi both raise their eyebrows, unsure what's making this kind of reaction come from Konoha. "Don't judge me."

"We already are." Akaashi bluntly speaks. Konoha scrunches his nose and his cheeks turn a shade pink. "W-Well! Don't judge me even more, I guess!"

"Just spit it out Konoha. This suspense is killing me." Bokuto grumbles, ruffling his hair with his fingers. Konoha gestures the two to come close, he eyes the few students who are on the rooftop conversing to their friends. "Y/N...she's a pervert." Konoha mumbles to the two.

"Wait. How do you know?!" Bokuto whisper yells. Akaashi silently bite his inner cheek, his face slowly turning red. "Well, I think I'm becoming a masochist because of her." Konoha begins to explain but the two stop their thoughts. "You're a what now?" Akaashi eyes Konoha with a raised brow.

"Don't make me repeat myself Mr. Possessive!" Konoha retorts. "A what?" Bokuto eyes Akaashi. "What the fuck is going on with you two? A masochist and a possessive guy? I didn't think you two would have such kinks."

"Stop changing the topic Konoha." Akaashi lowers his eyes, feeling embarrassed.

"Long story short I told Y/N she could hurt me all she wants and it wouldn't matter. And she didn't like the idea. She said I'll just ask another weird request from her if she does."

"As if I'm letting her do anything to you." Akaashi grumbles out, crossing his arms.

"Anyway! I threw out the idea of a threesome and she screamed. Her face was as red as a tomato. I'm sure she started having lewd thoughts after what I said." Konoha chuckles under his breath. Bokuto's gone quiet the entire conversation. His soul seeming to have left him. "Why would you put that thought into her mind?!" Akaashi shoves Konoha, a blush streaking across his face.

"As if it'll happen. I was only teasing her!" Konoha and Akaashi silently glare at one another. Bokuto drifts off into his imagination, his jaw slowly opening and he wears a perverted smile. Akaashi eyes Bokuto's drool and knits his brows together. "This fucking—" Akaashi punches Bokuto in the stomach which pulls him out of his lewd thoughts. "Stop imagining the situation you pervert."

Bokuto holds his stomach and groans. "You're so rough with me Akaashi. Have some respect for your senior."

"Senior my ass. You two don't deserve to be my seniors." Akaashi leaves the two to cool off his burning face. He wonders if Y/N really did imagine such an erotic scenario. The beating of his heart quickens at the thought. Akaashi quickly shakes the thought out of his mind. "Fuck. I'm just as perverted as those two." Akaashi murmurs under his breath, loosening his tie. He hurries to the bathroom to splash water on his face before heading to class.

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