No more secrets

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The next morning you wake up to the light touches of someone stroking your hair. Fluttering your eyes open, you whine softly. Your vision blurs and you startle when you see Akaashi sitting on the edge of the bed.

"K-Keiji?!" You mutter his name under the blanket that you lift over your face. He tugs on the blanket, pulling it back down from your face.

"Do you always whine when you're getting up?" Akaashi questions, he wears a small smile. Pursing your lips, you shake your head.

You sit up and rub your eyes. "How long were you watching me sleep?" Akaashi takes his phone out to show you a photo of your sleeping face. "Long enough to take this picture." Your face flushes and you reach out to take his phone from him. "I didn't give you consent to take that photo, pervert."

Akaashi blushes when he hears Y/N call him a pervert. Gulping, he feels the tip of his ears redden. "Don't lump me in with those guys." He scrunches his nose adorably. "Am I not allowed to have photos of my own girlfriend?" Akaashi murmurs under his breath. Your words leave you when you stare at Akaashi's adorable response.

When did he become so cute?

Clenching the blanket, you clear your throat. "I-I'm just messing with you Keiji."

He looks up to you and smirks. His expression taking a 180. "So am I." He dryly chuckles and ruffles your hair. "I should let you freshen up. Konoha and Zico are downstairs."

"Zico? What's he doing here?" Akaashi stands up and steps to the side to let you get out of bed. "He was informed by Pierre that you were here."

"Oh..." You frown when you think of Pierre. Akaashi reaches out to stroke your cheek. "I'll be waiting outside your bedroom." You wear a small smile and nod your head. "I'll be quick." You scurry off to the bathroom.


"Young master, Akaashi and Miss are here." Yamoto leads the two of you into the living room. Zico looks up from his seat and hurries over to your side. "Y/N! You idiot!" He's quick to pull your ear. Akaashi narrows his eyes on Zico, uncomfortable at how friendly he is towards Y/N. Konoha clears his throat, pulling Zico back. "Zico, Akaashi is glaring at you."

"What?" Zico looks away from you, flicking his eyes over to Akaashi. A steely look emanates from Akaashi's gunmetal blue eyes. A chill runs down Zico's spine and he pulls his fingers away from your ear. "Jeez, can you death glare at someone else?"

Akaashi presses his lips together, debating whether or not to speak up. "Don't be rude Zico." You interject into the conversation. "What brings you here anyway?" Zico looks away from Akaashi and crosses his arms when he looks at you.

"What brings YOU here to Konoha's? I was worried when Pierre told me you ran away from home. He didn't give me the details so I'm here to ask you directly." Lowering your eyes, you run your fingers through your hair. "Let's all sit down first." Konoha points over to the sofas. Akaashi and Konoha sit across from you and Zico. The four of you break off into your own conversations. Yamoto returns shortly after with breakfast for the four of you.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now