Keep it a secret

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"What's going on Y/N?" Zico questions you the moment you sit down. "Was that Akaashi just now?"

Slapping your cheeks, you realize you're not in a dream. You're really playing along as Akaashi's fake girlfriend. The thought suddenly hits you.

Did he want you to keep this a secret from Haru and Zico?

You didn't get his phone number either to text him. Groaning, you lower your face onto the coolness of your desk. Zico nudges your shoulder.

"Hey, are you ignoring me?" He grumbles, brows furrowing together. Haru clicks her tongue at him, glaring a hole through Zico's face. "Can't you tell she's also in a state of shock? She'll tell us later, I'm sure."

At that very moment, your homeroom teacher enters the class and everyone simmers down.

Ugh, what exactly did you get yourself into?

Now that you're not nervously breaking down under Akaashi's gaze, you have a moment to process things clearer.

A fake girlfriend...what does that entail? Do you have to act couple-like in front of everyone?

That sounds exhausting. Neither of you have the confidence to even say each other's surnames, let alone your first names.

Will physical contact be involved?

Things shouldn't escalate to the point where you have to kiss, right?

Your virgin lips couldn't handle that.

You're unable to focus on any of your class subjects. Your attention a bare minimum when you listen to your teacher.


Lunch time rolls around and you start to grow anxious again. Your face pales at the thought of Akaashi coming here to pick you up for lunch.

Couldn't you just appear during the times he's being confessed to?

Rumor hasn't spread yet about you being Akaashi's girlfriend, so you're sure he's running into a situation at any moment. Especially during lunch break.

"Shit." You mumble. Of course he would be confessed to right around this time. You attempted it yourself. Squeaking the chair out from under you, you bolt out of the classroom.

"Where are you running off to Y/N?" Zico calls out to her. "This feels like a repeat of the day she attempted that stupid challenge." Haru smirks at Zico's annoyance. "What are you getting mad about Zico?"

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now