Are we really doing this?

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"Keiji?" You call out for Akaashi in the gymnasium.

Where did he go?

You wanted to say goodbye to him before leaving school today. But there's not a single person around for volleyball practice. Pursing your lips, you turn around to leave the gym but a loud clatter makes you jolt. You turn around quickly to the sound. Your eyes narrow in on the storage room in the far back.

Did someone slip in there?

Growing worried, you run over to the storage room. "Um, are you okay?" You call out to the person from the other side of the door. You hear a faint grunt and the worst scenario floods your mind.

Did the person break their leg or something?!

"I'm opening the door." You timidly reach for the door knob. As you swing the door open, someone yanks you inside. You're about to yelp when another hand covers your mouth. The person who pulls you inside locks the storage door.


Your mind starts to panic until you smell a familiar cologne.


The hand pulls away from your mouth when the lights to the storage room flickers on. "Gotcha~" Konoha smirks from ear to ear. You turn around to see Akaashi behind you, a shy expression etches onto his face. "Sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to scare you." Confusion plasters on your face when you look at the two. "What are you two doing in here?" You eye the storage room, noticing the bin of basketballs tipped over.

"Honestly I didn't think this would work. But I guess I shouldn't be too surprised you fell for it Y/N." Konoha snickers. He extends his hand to stroke your hair but Akaashi slaps his hand away. He glares at Konoha's eyes, pointing over to the basketballs on the floor. "Clean that up. You tipped it over."

Konoha grumbles and nods his head, doing as Akaashi says. You giggle at the scene in front of you. Despite Konoha being a year older than Akaashi, he acts like the younger one. Wait, this isn't the time to giggle about Konoha's age difference. You pull yourself back together. The real question here is why are these two in here and why did they lure you into a trap.

Crossing your arms, you step away from Akaashi. "So are either of you going to tell me what you're doing here?"

"You're curious about..." Akaashi stops short of his words, his cheeks burning red.

"C'mon Akaashi. Don't be a bitch and say the word." Konoha taunts him as he throws several basketballs into the bin. A chill runs down your spine when you realize what's probably going on.

Did these two trap you in here to have a threesome?

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now