Farewell, Y/N

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Three weeks has gone by since you left the Konoha estates. You've adjusted to living at Haru's but there's always that scratch on the back of your neck where you missed seeing the others.

You're walking out of the first year wing to see Akaashi off for his practice when Konoha yells out to you. "Y/N!" His voice shrieks out and he looks like he's in a panic. "Did Pierre contact you at all today?"

"No...why?" You start to feel anxious because of Konoha. He gasps for air, leaning forward with his hands on his knees. Akaashi walks over to you, eyeing Konoha. "What's going on?" He looks at you but you shrug. "Akinori mentioned Pierre." You answer Akaashi. Konoha catches his breath and inhales deeply.

"There's no time to explain. We have to hurry to the airport." Konoha urges the two of you to follow him.

Airport? Why would you need to rush to the airport?

The thought crosses your mind that Pierre might've finalized his plans quicker and your heart begins to pick up.

Akaashi takes your hand in his and pulls you along after Konoha. Yamoto waits for the three of you in the front entrance. Hurrying inside, Yamoto pulls away from the school.

"Can you explain the situation now Konoha?" Akaashi tries to calm your trembling hands with his. "Why are we heading to the airport?"

"My father has been helping Pierre with his move to France." Konoha starts to speak up but his words stop in his throat. He's worried they wouldn't make it in time before Pierre passes the checkpoint. "I overheard master tell Pierre last night that tomorrow is the big day of his leave." Yamoto speaks up. "Pierre left on his own not too long ago. I insisted him to let me drive but he left in a taxi instead."

Yamoto looks in the rear view mirror to see Y/N's face pale over.

Pierre didn't mention anything like this last night when the two of you spoke over the phone.

Did he plan to leave without telling you?

He probably had his reasons but you couldn't help but feel upset. You feel Akaashi's warmth in your palm and he gently rests your head on his shoulder. He runs his fingers through your hair and presses a kiss to your forehead. "We'll see him before he leaves Y/N."


"Do you need any help sir?" A staff calls out to Pierre from the help desk. They notice his furrowed brows as he stares at the airline ticket on his phone. Pierre rolls his suitcase over to the help desk and shows his phone to the woman. "I'm unsure where to check in." She glances at the airline name on his flight ticket and gives him the directions. Pierre thanks her before leaving.

He takes a deep breath and walks past several others who are leaving or going.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now