I dare you to kiss

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"Ugh, I can't believe I got roped into this." Akaashi looks up at a tall building with a maid café on the top floor. Konoha punches Akaashi in the shoulder. "Come on. It'll be fun. Probably more so for us single guys and Haru."

"You're pretty awesome for reserving us a slot with some of the best maids, Zico!" Bokuto grins from ear to ear. Zico wears a smug grin, winking at the others. "Let's go see some cute maids!" The four hurry inside to climb up the staircases to the maid café.

"Let's go Keiji." You reach for his hand. Akaashi intertwines his fingers with yours as if it's the most natural thing. Your heart skips by how easily he takes your hand in his. "I'm only doing this for you." Akaashi mumbles. You weren't sure if you heard him correctly.

"Can you repeat that?" You hold back the smirk that's itching to curl on your face. Akaashi stares at you with a still expression. He has no intention of repeating himself.

"Come on lovebirds." Bokuto calls out to the two of you from the staircase above you. "We're coming." You call out, tugging on Akaashi's hand. The two of you hurry after the group.

"Welcome home, masters and princesses!" Two maids greet the six of you. They're quick to tell the group about the visiting fee of 1000 yen before leading the six of you towards a group table in the corner of the space with the view of the Shibuya crosswalk. Akaashi, you, and Haru take the seats by the window while the other three sit across from you.

"Please take a look at the menu, we'll come back shortly!" The two maids bow and disperse to the back of the kitchen. Konoha is already salivating when he watches the two maids disappear. "Man, they're so cute." You scrunch up your face, feeling a bit weirded out by Konoha's reaction. Haru kicks Konoha in the leg. "Stop being so weird. Keep it to yourself at least." He grunts, his hands fly to his leg to suppress the pain. "God, Haru can't you treat your seniors better?"

"I'm not going to see you as someone I can look up to, pervert." Haru spits out, raising the menu in front of her face.

"Even Zico and Bokuto are silently admiring." Akaashi points out. Zico and Bokuto are eyeing the different maids in their dresses. You watch their cheeks turn a shade pink as they watch a maid perform on a little stage. Haru herself is blushing when she watches. Feeling a bit awkward, you raise the menu over your face.

"Not enjoying yourself Y/N?" Akaashi leans over and whispers in your ear. The tips of your ears redden when you hear Akaashi's deep voice.

Is he purposely teasing you? Did the two of you get close enough for simple teasing like this?

Pursing your lips, you turn to look at him. Your faces only an inch apart. Noticing the closeness, the two of you pull away nervously. Bokuto curiously pulls your menu down to see your blushing faces. He raises an eyebrow with a Cheshire like smile. "What are you two doing behind this menu, huh?"

"Nothing!" You spit out. Lowering your eyes, you stare at the menu again. Akaashi quietly stares at his menu that sits on the table, gulping nervously. The two maids from earlier reappears and introduces themselves to the table as Rika and Miki. They begin to take your orders, addressing the guys by masters and the girls as princesses. You begin to take a mental note of their tasks and expressions.

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