Someone else

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Three weeks.

Three weeks have passed since you've "broken up" with Akaashi. Your eyes stare at the blue sky as you lay down on the badminton court, calming your racing heart from a match. You hesitated to come here. Early memories of Akaashi floods your mind. You never had the chance to ask him why he asked you to tend to his scrape that day. That memory feels so long ago.

"Are you sleeping over there?" Zico tiredly calls out to you, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. He makes his way over to you, laying down beside you. Exhaling, he smiles. "The skies really blue today. Not a cloud in the sky."

"Yeah." You quietly whisper to Zico. He looks at you from the corner of his eye. He presses his lips together, feeling a bit antsy from Y/N's mellow mood the last few weeks. Zico misses the girl he had to constantly chase around.

"How's supplementary classes?" Zico sparks up a conversation. You groan at the topic of conversation. Your fingers rub your temples and you sit up. "Annoying. I shouldn't have told them I wanted to take them after school. All this knowledge is only good if I'm actually serious about attending a top tier university. How am I suppose to find a boyfriend with the help of a geometry theory?"

"I mean, you can flirt with nerds and flaunt your pi's and squares?" Zico shrugs, unsure what he's going on about. A giggle slips past your lips and you shove Zico's shoulder. "You don't even know what you're saying, idiot." Zico grins when he hears Y/N's giggle. He slowly sits up and shrugs. "I'm sure they would be excited a girl is talking to them, period. So skip the math talk."

"Who says I want to date a nerd?" You narrow your eyes on Zico. "Right. You go after the stupid guys, sorry." Zico teases, covering his face when he sees your hand extending towards his cheek.

"Akaashi?" Bokuto calls out to Akaashi, the two out of breath from running around the track. "What are you stopping for?" Akaashi watches Zico and Y/N from afar. His chest tightens when he sees how comfortable the two are together. Bokuto follows his gaze and sighs. He rests a hand on Akaashi's shoulder. "Are you going to just keep your feelings wallowed up?"

Akaashi shrugs Bokuto's hand off of him, picking his feet up to jog. "I'm not wallowing anything up."

"Stop lying to yourself Akaashi." Bokuto calls out to him in a steely tone. His tone startles Akaashi, making him come to a halt. "I understand that you're scared. Love is a scary thing. Hell, I haven't had much experience in that department to have the qualifications to lecture you...but. Y/N is important to you, right? Shouldn't the thought of losing her to someone else be more fearful?"

Akaashi's mind blanks. His eyes waver when he looks at Bokuto.

Who's going to take Y/N away? Why would someone take her from him?

Akaashi halts his thoughts.

Y/N is not his to claim. She never really was.

"Are you going to be okay when she laughs and smiles with someone else? Or when she gets prettied up for someone else?" Bokuto hammers these questions on Akaashi, noticing the paleness in Akaashi's face. He pushes a bit more, hoping this will tip Akaashi over and wake him up from his delusions. "She'll kiss someone else Akaashi...and it won't be you if you keep this up."

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now