Cinderella and her squire

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A mortified look crosses Y/N's mothers expression. "Akaashi, right? Aren't you just Y/N's upperclassman?" Akaashi steels his nerves. "I am her upperclassman...but also her boyfriend starting today."

Mother clenches her teeth, unhappy at the news. Konoha's father takes a long look at Akaashi, faintly remembering his face. "Aren't you also a friend of my son?" Akaashi turns his attention to Konoha's father and nods. Unlike your parents, Konoha's father smirks at the revelation. He turns his attention to you. "Seems like Y/N is a popular girl."

"Ah..." Pressing your lips together, you're unsure how to respond to that. An awkward tension builds up among the group and Pierre silently watches the situation. He's unable to step in during moments like this. "Well. If Y/N already has a boyfriend, there's not much we can do about that." Konoha's father goes with the flow. He rests a hand on Konoha's shoulder and gives him a gentle squeeze. "Let's go home Akinori."

Konoha snaps out of it and nods his head. He's trying to wrap it around his head that Y/N and Akaashi are actually dating.

Are they lying again?

"You're not lying, are you Akaashi?" Konoha asks when he walks up to the two.

"Why would I lie about this?" Akaashi eyes Konoha with a hard stare. "You've lied before." Konoha claps back, grabbing Y/N's other hand to place the handle of the shoe bag in her palm. You feel Konoha's eyes on you. "My statement is still true Y/N. I do like you. I'm also sorry for hugging you without warning." He says his piece before bowing to your parents and excusing himself.

"Pierre, will you take Akaashi home. Y/N, let's have a talk in the living room." Father walks back into the house with mother tailing behind him.

An odd feeling crawls in your palms. You are going to be berated with questions. Akaashi squeezes your hand to give you some comfort. "Sorry, I should've handled the situation better for you." Shaking your head, you form a gentle smile towards Akaashi. "It's okay. You did a great job Akaashi." You raise a thumbs up to him. A small smile forms on his face and he dryly chuckles. Your heart skips when you see his expression.

Akaashi extends his hand towards your head and strokes your hair. "How can you cheer me up at a time like this? You're the one who needs to be cheered up."

Pierre smiles at the two when he walks over. "We should get going Akaashi." Akaashi nods his head, pulling his hand back to his side.

"Call me if they upset you." Akaashi stares at your face with soften eyes. You feel a coldness when Akaashi untangles his other hand from yours. A frown forms on your face when Akaashi starts to leave. You watch his back face you and you get that same urge Konoha felt earlier. The urge to hug Akaashi screams in your mind. You quickly walk down the steps, wrapping your arms around his waist. His body tenses but relaxes a moment later.

The corner of Akaashi's lips twitch into a small smile. You don't utter a word before hurrying back up the steps and inside the house. Akaashi turns around to watch you leave, he tries to suppress the smile from widening.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now