Fake date

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"Miss." Pierre quickly hurries over to you in the garden. You notice his state of panic. "Is everything okay Pierre?" You stand up, letting go of Akaashi's hand. Pierre lowers his eyes and furrows his brows together.

"Young master Konoha is on his way here to pick you up. Your parents received a call from his father just now." Pierre turns his gaze towards Akaashi as he continues to speak to you. "The young master is here to take you out on a date."

"D-Date? But." You turn to look at Akaashi, lacing your fingers back to his hand. Akaashi gently gives your hand a squeeze. Pierre eyes the two with a bittersweet expression. A smile slowly etches onto his face.

"So you told her Akaashi?"

You eye the two with a raised brow, seeing Akaashi nod his head.

"I should tell father and mother I'm not going." You press your lips together, feeling nervous at the thought. You can't possibly go on a date with Konoha when you're not exactly single anymore.

Besides, even if you were single-- Konoha is a perverted idiot.

"Wait." Akaashi pulls you back, he looks at you with a troubled expression. "Your parents don't know I'm here Y/N. Let's not make them more angry with the news that we're together."

You stare at Akaashi dumbfounded. "You want me to continue lying to them Keiji?" He looks away, scrunching his nose. Even Akaashi wasn't sure how the two should handle this situation.

"It's Konoha. He's probably unwilling to do this too. I'm sure he's going to tell his father you two are not a match after this first date." Akaashi murmurs his thoughts aloud.

"Y/N! Are you still out here?" The three of you hear the voice of your mother. Your body begins to tense up. Akaashi lets go of your hand and stands up, pushing you towards the sound of your mother. "You're an expert at faking things by this point Y/N. You've fooled our friends with our fake relationship. Just fake this one more time for your parents. We'll tell them our relationship when the timing is right."

You frown when you look at Akaashi but you can't linger for long when you hear your mother's voice get closer. "Pierre, please take Keiji home for me." Pierre nods his head and ushers you to hurry to your mother. You glance at Akaashi one last time before hurrying off.

Akaashi exhales when Y/N is out of ear shot. He slumps back onto the bench and lowers his head, running his fingers through his hair. Pierre quietly rests a hand on Akaashi's shoulder. "Should we follow the two on their date, Akaashi?" Akaashi raises an eyebrow, slowly lifting his head up to look at Pierre who wears a smile. "You're worried about the Miss, right?"

"Well...yes. But isn't this invading her privacy Pierre? I don't know how I will feel when I see those two together. Will I be angry? Sad? Jealous?" Akaashi furrows his brows together when he thinks of the possible emotions he'll be going through.

"I can text the Miss that we'll keep an eye out on her if that eases your mind." Pierre pulls out his phone. Akaashi debates on the idea.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now