Akaashi's "girlfriend"

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Covering your mouth, you yawn against your palm. The corner of your eyes tear up. Wiping the sleepy tears away, you run your fingers through your hair. Your bangs falling against your forehead. The sound of chattering conversations and traffic fills the silence in your mind. You stayed up late last night to get a head start on reading the next few chapters of your English assignment.

There's no way in hell are you going to take supplement classes like your parents suggested you to. They brought the idea up last night when you came home from school. Both unhappy that you decided to not partake in an extracurricular club.

Should you lie to them and say you did so they would drop the idea about supplement classes? But where would you go after school?

Sighing, you frown at the unneeded stress.

"Y/N!" A voice calls out to you from across the sidewalk. Haru waves at you, hurrying over to your side while the two of you enter the entrance to Fukurōdani Academy. "You look exhausted. Did you stay up late reading?"

"How did you know?" You eye Haru curiously. She giggles, a bright smile on her face. "Because we're best friends. But what exactly were you reading? Manga? Fanfic?"

"Neither. I was reading the book for English class."

Haru gags at the thought, frowning. "Why? There's much more interesting reads than our classwork." You catch Haru up on your parents conversation with you last night. The two of you enter the first year wing and head to your lockers to swap out your shoes. When you open your locker, you notice a note with the words 'Meet me at the rooftop before homeroom starts.'

Raising an eyebrow, you pick up the note and flip it over to see if there's a name left behind. "What's that Y/N?" Haru peers to your right, reading the note. She squeals, clasping her hand over her mouth. "OMG?! IS THIS A CONFESSION?!" You clasp both hands over Haru's already clasped hand that's over her mouth.

"Shhh!" You whisper yell, feeling your cheeks heat up slightly. "What if it's not? Maybe one of Akaashi's fangirls saw me yesterday and wants to hurt me on the rooftop?!" You suggest the idea to Haru. She calms down and now looks worried.

"I'm going with you then." Haru laces her arms around your arm, neither of you changing out of your outdoor shoes just yet. Closing your locker, Haru pulls you towards the rooftop.


"I'm getting nervous Haru." You mutter out to her, feeling your legs turn into jelly. She tugs you along, the two of you climbing up the staircase. "I don't want to be like one of those girls I read and watch about where a group of girls bully a single girl, cutting up her uniform, and laughing at the girl while she cries."

"Shut up. You have such wild imaginations Y/N." Haru retorts, opening the rooftop door. This is the first time the two of you have seen the rooftop. It's much nicer than you expected. There's several plants and flowers that line up the sides of the rooftop. Haru's breath hitches and she steps back inside, pushing you forward.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now