Last night with Akinori

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You say your goodbyes to Akaashi after the two of you continue to eat from a few more street stalls. Yamoto picks you up from the train station and you nod off to sleep in the passenger seat. You didn't realize how tired you were until you sat down in the leather seats of the car.

Ten minutes go by and you feel a vibration of your phone in your coat pocket. The sensation pulls you out of your quick slumber. You answer the call without looking at the caller ID. Raising the phone to your ear you speak up.


"Oh, did I wake you up from a nap Y/N?" Haru's voice speaks on the other end of the call. You sit up straight when you hear her voice. She's been busy the past few weeks and you only assumed it had something to do with her afterschool club activities.

"No, it's okay. I actually just left from a date with Keiji. Yamoto is driving me home right now." Happy thoughts flood your mind when you think about Akaashi. You appreciated his efforts to cheer you up and you already missed him.

Haru smiles when she hears the happy tone in Y/N's voice. She adjusts a vase on the coffee table in front of her. "Well, I'm glad you're sitting down. I have something to tell you." You raise an eyebrow when you hear the excitement in Haru's voice. "Did you find a girlfriend?!" You blurt out your first thought and Haru scoffs.

"No, the last thing I need right now is a girlfriend when I have two idiot bestfriends who need me to keep them in check." Haru lightheartedly laughs under her breath. She takes a seat on a sofa and leans back, staring at the ceiling above her. You press your lips together, feeling guilty. "Then...what's the big news? You sound really excited."

Haru snickers and presses her phone closer to her ear. "These past few weeks I've been busy setting up something for you."

"Oh?" You straighten up in your seat. The butterflies in your stomach makes you anxious and you're antsy to hear what Haru will say. Yamoto inputs a code to unlock the gates and he slowly pulls in.

"My parents and I have been decorating a room for you to stay in. I told them about your situation and they insist for you to come stay with us. I'm not taking no as an answer either Y/N. We're practically siblings since we've been friends for so long." Haru lowers her eyes from the ceiling and stares at a photo that's propped up beside the vase on the coffee table. A photo of Y/N and Haru in their younger years stare back at her. "We have a place for Pierre too if he decides to leave that horrible house." Haru reaches over for the photo and stares at it with a gentle gaze. "I know he means a lot to you too. He wouldn't have to work as a butler here. We have two of them already."

Haru's voice begins to fade out when you feel the car come to a stop. The sound of your heartbeat against your eardrum when you see Konoha waiting at the bottom steps for you. He wears a sadden expression but perks up when he sees you. You expected to leave Konoha eventually but you didn't expect that it will be this soon. Your vision begins to blur when Konoha opens the door for you.

"Where did you run off to today Y/N? Did you do something fun without me?" Konoha grumbles out, crossing his arms. He stops teasing you when he sees the tears stream down your cheeks. You lower the phone from your ear and Konoha reaches for your phone. He stares at the caller ID before raising the phone to his ear.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now