Smoke and mirrors

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Akaashi splashes water onto his face. His blue eyes stare at the rushing water run from the bathroom sink. His internal battery is depleting for the day and there's the karaoke event after this. This made up relationship is full of baggage since the start. Y/N started it off with a dramatic scene of her catching him in the act of what looked like cheating. Now he's lead their relationship towards him being jealous over Zico.

Akaashi cracks a small smirk.

How did it come to this?

These dramatic events surely can't be someones actual relationship, right?

If so-- Akaashi wants no part in love. All he's learned from this is how exhausting a relationship can be. But maybe it's because of the way they went about this.

He's idled long enough in the bathroom, mind a bit clearer. Akaashi wipes his face with a paper towel before exiting the restroom. He falters when he sees Y/N leaning against the wall with a melancholy expression. His chest tightens a bit.

Did she really think he was upset?

"Y/N." Akaashi calls out to her. She perks up when she sees him, timidly walking over. "You're not really angry, right? It's part of the act?" You ask Akaashi, feeling nervous to hear his answer. He looks at you nonchalantly, nodding his head. Feeling relieved, you exhale deeply. Mustering a small smile on your face. "So I worried for nothing..."

Seeing Y/N relieved makes Akaashi wonder if she really was worried about him.

"Listen, I think we need to set something straight." Akaashi speaks up. "Everything we do together in front of others is fake. The way we act and speak." You nod your head, glad that Akaashi mentioned this. "I was thinking the same thing. It'll be troublesome if our actual feelings got in the way. Now that we've made that clear...should I continue to be distant towards you? Since you're 'upset'?"

Akaashi shakes his head. "Let's just pretend we made up. I'm getting exhausted already from this." You giggle, nodding your head. The tightness in your chest dissipates and you extend your hand out to him. Akaashi narrows his eyes to your small hand. "You said we made up, right? Let's walk back together then."

Gulping, Akaashi nods his head and takes your hand. The sensation of feeling his hand still makes you nervous. Your eyes lower down to your entangled fingers as you two walk back. "So when you called me beautiful earlier today, that was the truth?" Akaashi tenses a bit, his hand involuntarily squeezes your hand in response. He feels shy suddenly when you point it out to him. "You're cornering me." Akaashi mumbles.

"So is it a yes?" You give Akaashi's hand a gentle squeeze, reaching closer to the table. Akaashi doesn't verbally answer, nodding his head. The corner of your lips curl into a smile. "Heh, something about that makes me happy. The Akaashi thinks I'm beautiful." You pull your hand away from him when the two of you rejoin the others.

"Is everything fine with you two now?" Konoha asks, munching on his fries. You nod your head happily, smiling from ear to ear. Akaashi remains silent, a softness to his eyes. "What did you say to him Y/L/N? Akaashi is quieter than usual." Bokuto teases his friend, a mischievous smirk on his face. You form a lie quickly, "I reassured him that he's the only one for me by showering him with compliments."

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now