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"How did I get roped into this...?" Akaashi mumbles beside you. He holds onto the front of his dad hat, lowering it down to hide his eyes. You raise a finger over your mask. Konoha grows impatient beside Akaashi. "Don't lie Akaashi. You're also curious about Zico's rental job."

"But did we really have to rope in Bokuto? He's the loudest one." Akaashi flicks his eyes across the table to Bokuto who's loudly munching a bag of chips. The four of you decide to spend your Saturday stalking Zico. You overheard him on the phone during lunchtime at school talking to a client.

Sadly Haru isn't here to join in on this rendezvous. She only told you that she had plans already and is sorry to decline.

"Did you really have to eat those right now?" You eye Bokuto who sits beside you. The four of you are sitting at a picnic table across from the park where Zico and his client are enjoying a picnic in the grass.

"He can't hear me from here!" Bokuto bickers, spitting out a few crumbs at you. You shield his crumbs with your hand. "Besides, what do you think she rented him for? To be a boyfriend for the day?"

"I'm a bit upset she's not the older woman we saw at the mall." Konoha sighs, crossing his arms. "Why? Do you have a cougar kink on top of your masochism?" Akaashi curtly says, he chuckles softly under his breath. Konoha furrows his brows, shoving Akaashi lightly. "No! It's just more entertaining to see how Zico acts around an older woman."

You ignore the three and focus on Zico.

Of all things he can do to kill his boredom, he decides to be a rental?

Maybe there's a deeper meaning to this.

Is he lonely?

If so, you are sure that anyone in your group of friends will be open to spend time with him.

Maybe he lacked a relationship?

A finger gently pokes your cheek and you snap out of your thoughts. "What are you imagining now Y/N?" Akaashi raises his hat slightly to get a better look of you. You smile under your mask when you look at Akaashi. He's starting to catch onto your habits. "I was just wondering why Zico is doing this kind of job." You answer him, turning your attention back to Zico.

"Didn't he say it's to kill time or something?" Konoha comments. Bokuto crumbles up the chip bag and throws it towards a trash bin. "I call bullshit. Who wants to work just because they're bored."

"He did say there are perks to the job." Akaashi mumbles.

But what perks is there for Zico? Maybe networking with others? Is it possible for someone with high status to pay for this kind of thing?

"Now that I'm thinking about it...Zico doesn't have to pay for a thing. The person who rents him has to." Konoha widens his eyes when he realizes one of the perks. "That lucky bastard! I should make an account too!"

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now