You're sorry?

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"Um, Akaashi you do know this is a team game?" Zico calls out to him from the back lines.

Akaashi's eyes sharply focus on the birdie that's flying over to their side of the court. He's starting to sweat from running all over the court. "Yeah. But, you can't seem to get a point against her so..." Akaashi drops his sentence there when he slams his racquet against the birdie to the far back.

Bokuto stands there busily chatting to Haru. "BOKUTO!" You yell out, seeing the birdie fly near him. You can't recover the point without colliding against Bokuto. His reaction is to hide his face with his racquet, meaning Akaashi and Zico gains a point as you watch the birdie hit the ground.

Pursing your lips and knitting your brows together, you send a cold glare to Bokuto. He pretends to shiver when he looks at you, a blush streaking his face. "You look so scary Y/L/N~" Bokuto hums out. You hold back your tongue, not wanting to get sassy with your senior. Haru and Zico take notice of the aggravation in Y/N's posture. Bokuto looks amused when he sees Y/L/N's wavering eyes and the way she pursed her lips together.

She's annoyed. How will she react if he prodded more out of her?

Bokuto is captivated by how easily Y/L/N shows her emotions. The complete opposite of Akaashi.

Throwing the birdie over to Bokuto, you gently nudge him to the front. "I'm supporting now." You mumble. Bokuto raises an eyebrow, expecting Y/L/N to burst into a yelling fit or to punch him. This reaction was not one of the options he pictured. "But, you know that means you're asking for us to lose. You know that right, Y/L/N?" Bokuto looks over at you, holding the birdie. Shrugging, you wipe the sweat off of your forehead. Your cheeks redden by exhaustion.

"I had a fun game today so it doesn't matter if we win or lose." You tiredly form a smile, looking at Bokuto. He then starts to feel guilty for not helping Y/L/N against Akaashi. Turning his attention forward, Akaashi still wears a stern look. His eyes completely fired up still. "Lose the game for me Akaashi." Bokuto whispers past the net. Akaashi snaps out of it and stares at Bokuto.

"Why would I do that?" He tightens his grip on the racquet handle. Bokuto side glances to Y/L/N. "Are you going to make her cry again?" Exhaling, Akaashi's lips forms a thin line. "I think you're the one who's going to make her cry. I'm just here to play a game you forced me into."

"Are you going to serve Bokuto?" Zico shouts from the back. Bokuto furrows his brows together, biting his inner cheek. "YEAH. I'm just hyping myself up!" Bokuto stares at the birdie in his hand, nervousness litters his palms. Mentally he prays that he'll be able to hit the birdie successfully. Tossing it up, he inhales sharply. He hits his racquet a moment too soon.

"Alright! 2-2 now!" Haru calls out.

"Are you really one of the top aces of the country Bokuto?" Zico chuckles, teasing him. Bokuto clenches his teeth, grabbing the birdie off of the ground. "If you diss him hard enough he'll completely shut down." Akaashi mutters over to Zico. You raise an eyebrow, overhearing the conversation from the back. A gloominess starts to loom over Bokuto.


Bokuto slowly turns to look at Y/L/N, a frown on his face. Just a second ago he was smiling from ear to ear and now he's looking like a sad puppy. You mentally sigh. He's more high maintenance than you expected. You seem to learn more about Bokuto as you slowly learn about Akaashi. "Try again, I'm sure you'll hit it this time." You muster a bright smile, cheering him on. Bokuto perks up a bit, a weak smile on his face.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now