Welcome home, masters

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Over the course of two weeks, you've seen Akaashi only during lunch. Today marks the day of the summer school festival. Neither you or Akaashi mentioned the conversation you two shared at the park. Your emotions seem to be a confused mess. You wouldn't call it love but it's something towards the emotion.

The only thing you can positively say is that if anything were to happen to Akaashi, you would be devastated. Maybe what you're feeling is a love for a friend. An emotion you're afraid to lose.

But did Akaashi see you as a friend?

Technically you've complete the setter challenge. The only thing you lacked is seeing his other variety of emotions. You've yet to see him smile.

A sigh escapes your lips as you get dressed in your maid outfit. Haru helps you tie the apron behind you and you carefully adjust the headband on your head. You woke up earlier in the morning to curl your hair and apply a heavier hand of makeup than you usually did. By heavier, you just added a bolder eyeshadow color compared to your usual natural tone selections. You went for a pink eyeshadow look to match the color of your dress.

"We're about to open everyone!" Zico calls out from the door of your classroom. His role today is to be the host. The other guys are busy preparing the dishes for todays guests. Majority of the girls in the class will be maids throughout the day. Haru and you are in the morning to noon shift.

A line has already formed outside of the classroom. You, Haru, and four other girls line up to greet each guest. Six groups are taken in at a time with the maximum hour time limit. You're nervous at first but as the day goes on, you're more charismatic.


"Oh, is that you Akaashi?" A voice calls out to Akaashi while he waits in line for the maid café with Bokuto and Konoha. Akaashi turns to look at the owner of the voice and he stiffens when he sees Pierre. He hardly recognized him at first with his hair down. But the hazel brown eyes and gentle smile is definitely Pierre. He seems to have attracted many female students and other attendees by his appearance.

Akaashi bows to him, saying a hello. "No need to be so polite to me Akaashi. I'm not the miss's butler today. I'm assuming these two are also her friends? Are you three here to support the miss?"

"Miss...?" Konoha looks over at Akaashi. "He's talking about Y/N." Akaashi answers Konoha who nods his head in realization.

"You must be Pierre then. The one Y/L/N is fond of?" Bokuto eyes Pierre with cautious eyes. The last thing he wants is someone who'll get in the way of his plans of getting Akaashi and Y/N together officially. Pierre wears a soft smile when he hears the statement from Bokuto. "Yes, I'm Pierre and you two are?"

Konoha smiles, "I'm Konoha and this is Bokuto. We're both third years." Pierre nods his head, drilling their names into his memory incase the two ever visit the mansion. "Say, do you want to join us?" Konoha offers Pierre to join the three. Bokuto holds back the glare he wants to give Konoha. Akaashi also hates the idea but he doesn't make any reaction to state the fact.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now