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The sound of your crying fills your ears when you hide your face in your knees. The morning sun warms up your cold body as you sit on a bench under the gazebo in the center of the rose garden.

Pierre hurries out to the garden and searches for Y/N, spotting her sitting alone under the gazebo. A frown etches on his face and he stands there watching her from a distance. He couldn't possibly do anything for her right now.

Hearing the news from her parents is much of a shock to him than it must feel for her. He lowers his eyes, a scowl on his face. Pierre is pulled away when he gets an alert on his phone that someone's by the video monitor out front. His eyebrows raise when he sees Akaashi. He returns back inside the mansion, walking over to the front entrance.

"Akaashi?" Pierre appears in front of the monitor. Akaashi nervously bows to him. "What brings you here today?"

"...Is Y/N home?" Akaashi speaks softly, his hands clenching into a tight fist. He's been up since yesterday, waiting for Y/N to reply back to him. He's unsure how he managed to remember her place after only being here once. Pierre nods his head. "Did you want to see the miss?"

"May I? I have something important to tell her." Pierre notices the shakiness in Akaashi's voice. He nods his head. "I'll come by with a golf cart to pick you up. Wait right there Akaashi." Pierre clicks off the video monitor and grabs the golf cart keys out of his pocket.

Akaashi stares at the mansion in front of him, still finding it surreal that Y/N lives in there. The gates slowly open for him and he hears the sound of a golf cart whizzing over to him. Pierre appears not a moment later in front of Akaashi. "Good morning Akaashi." Pierre greets him with a warm smile. Akaashi nods, "Good morning Pierre."

He feels a bit tense seeing Pierre. A prince charming under the clothes of a butler. Akaashi takes a seat beside Pierre. Pierre then takes the two towards the garden, driving slower on purpose to catch Akaashi up on the current dilemma.

"The Miss, she's in a fragile state right now. So I recommend not to upset her too much."

Fragile? Did something happen?

"Did her parents..." Akaashi's words fall short, he's not sure what he can say around Pierre. Since Pierre is a worker under Y/N's parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N may be my employers, but that doesn't mean I actually like them. The Miss is the only reason I stay here. They dropped a large piece of news on her earlier. I'm sure the Miss will tell you if you ask. It's not my information to tell." Akaashi nods his head, his thoughts a mess now. He built up the confidence to tell Y/N the truth all last night but that confidence seems to be slipping away. Whatever her parents told her must be drastic.

Pierre stops the golf cart right before the garden entrance. "The Miss is sitting under the gazebo, Akaashi."

"Thank you Pierre." Akaashi steps out of the golf cart, bowing slightly to Pierre. He nods, wearing a small smile. "I hope you successfully tell the Miss what you both need to hear." Pierre leaves before Akaashi can muster a reply.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now