An imaginer

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You're in your own thoughts as you run around the track field during gym period. Haru and Zico are far behind you, unable to keep up.

"What's gotten into her?" Haru pants out. Zico shrugs. "I figured she would feel better after telling you everything that happened this weekend. But it seems like there's something else that's bothering her."

Haru clicks her tongue, leaning over to rest her hands on her knees as she catches her breath. "There's no way I'm letting her stay at Konoha's place. I'll ask my parents if it's okay for her to crash at my place after school."

"I don't trust you with her either Haru." Zico eyes Haru with a cautious look. "You might try to coax her into kissing you or something."

"What the fuck?" Haru side sweeps Zico. "I may be into girls, but I wouldn't dare make a move on my best friend. God, do you think about anything else other than dirty thoughts? I know you're going through puberty but jeez."

"Puberty?! Shut up Haru. You're making fun of me." Haru snickers at Zico. "When am I never not making fun of you? Less talking, more running." Haru picks up her feet and hurries off. Zico groans and follows after her.

"Y/N looks energetic more than usual." Konoha watches her from the bleachers, chugging down a bottle of water. Akaashi narrows his eyes on Konoha, purposely lifting his bottle higher. "Stop calling her by her first name." Akaashi grumbles under his breath. Bokuto grows amused at their bickering. "So I'm the only off one left to call her Y/L/N?" Bokuto huffs out. Konoha chokes on the water that drips down his chin.

"There's nothing to be jealous of Akaashi. She doesn't call me Akinori that often." Konoha murmurs, a pout forms on his face. Bokuto hops off the bleachers and leaves the two alone to argue. He runs over towards the track field. "Y/L/N-chan!" Bokuto waves his arms frantically towards you. Slowing down your pace, you stop in front of him. "H-Hey Bokuto." Your short of breath when you greet him.

"Something on your mind?" Bokuto peers at your face closely, a Cheshire smirk on his face. You step back, startled by his closeness. "N-No!" You lie, biting your bottom lip. Bokuto raises an eyebrow and places his hands on his sides. "Oh? I don't think I believe you Y/L/N." You avert your eyes from Bokuto's golden ones.

How are you suppose to respond to that?

Konoha and Akaashi hurry over to the both of you.

"Keiji." You perk up when you see him, a smile forming on your face. "I'm here too." Konoha interjects, pointing to himself. You flick your eyes over to Konoha, noticing a dampness on his shirt. Your mind tortures you with the image of Konoha's chest in his dress shirt that he wore on your fake date.

The heat creeps onto your face and you look away. "Are you alright Y/N? You're burning up." Akaashi presses the back of his hand onto your forehead. He hands you a bottle of water and urges you to drink it. Your eyes flick between Konoha and Akaashi.

Oh god. The thought of the two invades your mind again.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you push past the two in a sprint.

"I'm guessing she's not thirsty?" Konoha says with a shrug. Akaashi watches Y/N speed away from the three.

Does she feel uncomfortable being around Konoha and him? Is she thinking about...

Akaashi stops his trail of thought, feeling his cheeks heat up. He bites his inner cheek and twists the cap off of the water, chugging it whole.

"Woah, chill out on the water Akaashi." Bokuto eyes him with wide eyes. Konoha wears a smirk, tipping the water bottle up as payback from earlier. Taken off guard, Akaashi chokes on the water. He coughs profusely and glares at Konoha.

Konoha takes his queue to start running, Akaashi tailing right after him. "Y/N HELP ME!!" Konoha screams out from a far distance behind you. You turn around to see the commotion but you feel Konoha's hands grab your shoulders. He hides behind you but the image looks comedic with your height difference.

"What did you do to Keiji?" You turn your head slightly to look at Konoha who's breathing heavily behind you.

"I got revenge for him wetting my shirt." Konoha smirks but the smirk falters when he sees Akaashi slowly making his way in front of the two of you. Your eyes lower back down to the dampen part of Konoha's shirt, you pull your eyes away quickly. Konoha notices your quick glance and chuckles dryly.

"What are you thinking about Y/N?" Konoha whispers in a husky tone. You cover your ears, feeling your heart race.

"Get away from Y/N, Konoha." Akaashi narrows his blue eyes onto Konoha. "You're planting evil thoughts into her again, aren't you?"

"E-Evil?" Konoha scoffs, pulling his hands away from your shoulders. "Y/N is the one with the wild imaginations." His tone is sly as he eyes your small frame. "Shut up Akinori." You elbow his stomach, flaring out your nostrils. "So what if I'm having wild imaginations!" Your face flushes when the words blurt out from your tongue. "Girls can be perverted too." The confidence easily slips and you squeak out your last sentence.

Konoha stiffens behind you, his jaw slightly parted. Akaashi presses his lips together, he's unsure where to look at and the tip of his ears redden. "You can't judge me for it. We all have our thing. Keiji is possessive and you're a masochist." Biting your lower lip, you stop yourself there.

With the three of you together...your heart tightens. You'd hate to admit it but thinking about the risky situation excited you.

Ugh, no. You can't think like that.

Akaashi pulls you over to him. "Have you been thinking about the idea Konoha mentioned last night?" Your face flushes and you avoid his eyes. Akaashi cups your face with his hands, forcing you to look at him. You tense up when you have no where else to look but at him. A devilish smirk forms on his face and he whispers in a husky tone. "I didn't think you were that kind of girl, Y/N."

Your heart beats wildly against your chest and you forget to breath when you stare at Akaashi's expression. That devilish smirk of his is extremely sexy.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now