Fathers proposal

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"Young master." The voice of fathers butler calls out to Konoha. "Your father would like you to see him in his office." Konoha lowers his phone onto his computer desk, raising an eyebrow.

"Did he sound mad?" He tenses, recalling his memory to see if he's done anything wrong the past week. His butler chuckles, the wrinkles on his face creasing. "No young master. Shall we get going now?"

The butler exits Konoha's bedroom, leaving the door open for Konoha to follow after. He stands up from his computer chair and quickly walks over to his fathers office.

His butler knocks on his fathers door. "Come in." A deep voice speaks from the other side. Konoha grows nervous, unsure why his father summoned him to his office.

He refrains from doing anything that will bother his father, so did he upset him without noticing?

Konoha enters the office and bows to his father. "Did you call for me father?" Father warmly smiles at Konoha and raises a hand towards the chair in front of his desk. "Take a seat son."

"Oh...alright." Konoha walks over to fathers desk and pulls out one of the two chairs that sit in front of the desk. "Did I do something...?" Father raises an eyebrow, shaking his head and rumbling a low chuckle from his throat. "No, not at all. Unless you did do something that I don't know about?"

Konoha waves his hands in front of him, "No, of course not! I'm just...wondering why you called me in here. I know how busy you are all the time and I'd hate to trouble you father."

A smile etches onto his fathers face when he listens to Konoha. "I love you son. You know that, right?" Konoha looks surprised, nodding his head. "I want nothing but the best for you. A colleague of mine suggested an idea to me this past week. They have a daughter who's single."

"Wait, are you trying to play Cupid for me father?" Konoha pouts, noticing where this conversation is going. "I mean...are you doing any better by yourself? I don't see a cute girl by your side Akinori." Father smirks, his eyes playful. "Anyway, they were thinking you two can get married three years from now. She's still a first year so you two can date casually until then."

"A first year? M-Marriage?! What if we don't click father?" Konoha blurts out. The last thing on his mind right now is marriage. Father shrugs. "If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I'm not forcing you to be with someone you don't want to. You might know her. Her names Y/L/N Y/N."

Konoha widens his eyes, clenching his hands on the armrest of the chair.

Y/L/N? There's no way her parents and his father crossed paths, right?

"This is a photo of her if you'd like to see who she is." Father slides his phone over to Konoha, a photo of Y/L/N stares back at him.

It really is her.

Konoha's eyes begin to waver as he tries to process the news. "You look like you've seen a ghost Akinori." His father glances at him.

"It's just...I'm friends with Y/L/N. I can't believe her parents are trying to set me up with her." Konoha mutters out, running his fingers through his hair. Father beams at the fact that Konoha's already met Y/L/N. "Oh? That means you two are already on friendly terms, right? Now you two just need to fall in love with each other." Father chuckles, a wide smile forming on his face.

Konoha awkwardly laughs, nodding his head. The only problem is that Akaashi likes her and she probably feels the same way about him. Besides, Konoha's never looked Y/L/N in that way before.

Of course she's cute but.

"Should I ask her parents to set up a date for you two? Maybe she's free today, I'll ring up their number." Father eagerly dials Y/L/N's parents before Konoha can muster a response.

Fuck. How is he going to get out of this? Should he play along and go on this "date" and tell his father the two of them are better off as friends?

Lost in his thoughts, Konoha mutes out his fathers conversation on the phone. "Konoha, get dressed. You're going over to their place." Father lowers the phone onto the office desk with a smile. "Take her out on a drive around Tokyo in one of the cars. Just tell Yamoto which car you'll be taking."

Konoha stiffens, he's completely baffled by how quickly everything is going. If things go like this, he'll have a hard time interjecting. "O-Okay, I'll see you later than father." Konoha stands up and bows to his father before exiting the office.

Yamoto stands outside the office door, turning to look over at Konoha. "Did your conversation go well, young master?"

"Uh...I guess? May I borrow the keys to the corvette? Father set up a date for me...apparently." Konoha ruffles his hair, hurrying off to his bedroom to find something to wear.

There's no reason for him to get dressed up. It's just Y/L/N. Knowing her, she'll hate the idea. She probably cried when her parents told her about the arranged marriage. Exhaling under his breath, Konoha enters his walk in closet. He stares at the vast amount of clothes.

Even though he shouldn't care about the way he dressed, he didn't want to look bad in front of her parents. Konoha walks over to a section dress shirts.

Akaashi is going to kill him if he finds out he went out on a date with Y/L/N.

Grumbling, Konoha grabs a white dress shirt and a pair of denim jeans. He winces at his choice of shirt but he didn't want to dress too casual in front of her parents.

"Ugh." Konoha groans out when he looks at himself in the mirror. He unbuttons three buttons from the top of his shirt, revealing his chest a bit. Konoha walks over to his accessories glass drawers. Pairing his outfit with a watch, silver rings, and a silver necklace.

He grows anxious when he looks at himself again in the mirror. The him that he's looking at is someone he can't relate to. He looks like a cocky rich boy and it makes him sick.

Maybe this impression might deter her parents away from him. But that would also have a negative effect on his father. Konoha groans, turning away from the mirror and walking towards the tray of colognes to spritz cologne on before he leaves.

"Whatever. It's just one date. Nothings going to happen."

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