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Konoha slows the car down when he reaches the metal gates to the mansion. The gates remain closed and you're too antsy to stay inside. You unbuckle your belt and walk up to the monitor, pressing on the button.

Before you can say a word, the video monitor flickers on and you see the face of your father. "Look who decided to come home." He wears a cold gaze at you. "What brings you here Y/N? Are you done running away?"

"Where's Pierre?!" You scream out. Father chuckles deeply. He turns around to look at something before returning his gaze on you. "He's here. I can't say if he's in good shape. But he's breathing at least."

"What did you do to him?! Let me inside father." You grip your hands into tight fists, the tears brimming the corner of your eyes. Father waves a finger in front of his face. "Not unless you're willing to listen to me WITHOUT running away again."

Is he serious? Was this his plan all along? To hurt Pierre in order for you to come rushing back home so he can lecture you?

You bite your inner cheek and give in. Pierre's condition is more important than your personal problems.

"F-Fine." Your words tremble out weakly.

"The person in the car, is it Konoha or Akaashi?" Father asks you another question before opening the gates. You glance over to the car behind you. "Both. They're both here with our friend Bokuto." Father raises an eyebrow at the name 'Bokuto'. "Bring the three of them inside. I don't want to repeat my words more than once." The video monitor cuts off and the gate slowly opens. You walk back to the car and usher Konoha to hurry.

"Is Pierre okay?" Konoha asks with furrowed brows. You shrug, shaking your head. "Father said he's breathing. But...the maid earlier told me he had several bruises. He...he also wants the three of you to come inside." Bokuto tenses up, gritting his teeth and shivering involuntarily. "Me too?" He points to himself and you nod.

"This can't be good." Akaashi murmurs beside you. He reaches for your hand, squeezing it tightly. A frown etches on your face and you feel the anxiety crawl in your skin. Konoha comes to a stop and parks his car. The four of you exit out of the car and you run up the steps.

Bokuto widens his eyes and gasps when he sees the place up close. "This shit is huge."

"There's no time for sightseeing Bokuto." Akaashi pushes Bokuto forward and the three slowly follow after Y/N. You reach for the door handle, pushing it down. To your surprise the door is already open. Pushing the door, you yell out for your Pierre.

"PIERRE!" Your eyes glance at the empty foyer. A weak voice calls out to you from the living room. "M-Miss."


Kicking off your shoes, you hurry over to the living room. There you see Pierre sitting in an armchair. His face is completely bruised. His lip busted and bleeding and there are a few more bruises on his hands. You are sure there are more hidden beneath his clothes. It's impossible that this happened just today.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now