It's all an act

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The remainder of the maid café goes by smoothly. Miki and Rika both serve the plates of food with cute messages and adorably drawn faces as requested by the guests. Nothing as eventful as the dare happens during the last half of your stay at the maid café. Before leaving, the two maids happily take cute polaroid's with each of you. They both write a cute message on the polaroid and send the six of you off with an adorable wave and heart signs.

Bokuto taps his stomach, completely full and content with today. "Did you ladies learn anything for your makeshift maid café?" His golden eyes glance at Haru and you. Pursing your lips, you've learned one thing. "You're not allowed to come to our maid café Bokuto." You say, crossing your arms. He wears an exasperated expression. "Is Y/N-chan upset at me because of earlier?"

You cringe, involuntarily shaking when you hear Bokuto's sly voice calling you Y/N-chan. "You can't call me that either."

"Ah...let's not get too emotional Y/N." Haru calls out to you, pulling you away from Bokuto. "Bokuto will be stupid enough to spend lots of money at our café, let's not reject him." Haru whispers in your ear. She's right about that. Both him and Konoha will be willing to pay for attention from cute girls. "You're taking care of them then. Pierre will be coming so I want to make sure I'm free when he comes." Haru nods her head.

"Pierre?" Zico overhears your whisper with Haru. "Is he coming to the school festival?"

"Who's Pierre? They sound foreign." Konoha asks, sliding his hands into his jean pockets. Bokuto walks next to Akaashi, leaning over to ask him who Pierre is. You tense up, unsure if you should tell these two that he's your butler.

"Ah..." Zico glances at you, unsure what to say. "He's a good friend of ours." Haru speaks up for the three of you. "You can say he's a senior of ours. One that we actually respect." Haru comments, smirking when she sees the glare from Konoha.

"Y/N is very fond of him." Zico grins. "She wouldn't leave his side when we were kids. You'd think she had a crush on him." Your eyes widen and the heat creeps up onto your cheeks. Akaashi sees Y/N's blushing face and her lack of retort to the claim. "Oh? What does this Pierre guy look like? Should Akaashi be worried?" Bokuto grows curious, intrigued in the conversation. He rests his arm around Akaashi's shoulder.

Zico taps a finger to his chin. "He's a good looking guy. From what I remember he wears his blonde hair in a low ponytail. You'd think he was prince charming if he had blue eyes to match. He looks lanky from the clothes he wears but underneath, he's pretty toned."

"How would you know that Zico? Have you seen him not in his uniform?" Haru raises an eyebrow, a Cheshire like smile on her face. Zico glares at her, scoffing. "I was looking for him one morning while he was getting dressed. Thankfully he had everything else on." Zico shivers, thankful he didn't encounter Pierre any sooner.

"When was this?" You raise an eyebrow.

Zico doesn't answer you at first, averting his eyes away. "When you shut yourself in after catching me kissing another girl. Your parents saw me stalling around at the front gate and let me in as they were heading out for an emergency at the hospital."

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now