What's real and what's fake?

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Haru and Zico wait with you at the train station during a Saturday afternoon. You grow self conscious, nervously tucking a curl behind your ear. Zico grumbles, eyeing you from the corner of his eye. "Did you dress up for Akaashi, Y/N?" Haru teases you, noticing your curled hair, light makeup, and the cutely adorn spring dress on your body. You paired the yellow floral spring dress with platform sandals and a white purse.

Your cheeks turn a shade pink, shyly nodding your head. Things are still awkward between the two of you when you're around others. You couldn't get a grasp on the role of being a girlfriend. But the butterflies in your stomach and anticipation to get dressed up to see him on a weekend felt like the emotions you would have if you were getting ready for a date.

"It still feels surreal that you're dating Akaashi." Zico speaks up, staring directly at you. "What did you do exactly to change his feelings in the time span of a week." His eyes seem to assess you and the feeling makes you uncomfortable. These two can easily tell if you're up to something. But you've played it safe so far to not slip up.

"HEY! HEY! HEY!" A boastful voice calls out to the three of you, the striking white-grey hair with black streaks appears within the crowd of pedestrians. The three of you can see Bokuto a mile away. The happy go lucky grin plasters on his face when he weaves his way through the crowd to meet up with you all.

"Did you guys wait long?" Bokuto asks, turning his eyes over to you. He gasps dramatically, covering his mouth. Raising his eyebrows, "Who do we have here?! Akaashi's such a lucky guy to have a girlfriend who dressed up for him."

"Where is he by the way?" Zico questions, looking around Bokuto to not find Akaashi or Konoha. Speak of the devil, Akaashi is pulling Konoha by the ear from the busy crowd. Bokuto chuckles, "Konoha was trying to pick up a few girls on our way here. It's a weekend so all the pretty ladies are out." Haru scrunches her face when she looks at Bokuto, involuntarily shivering. "Guys just want one thing, that's why I'm into girls." She mutters under her breath. Bokuto looks alarmed from Haru's words, mouth agape. "You're into girls Haru? I never knew that."

Crossing her arms, she stares at Bokuto's golden eyes. "Why would you need to know? We're not on close terms." Bokuto closes his jaw, shrugging. "Shouldn't we all be good friends now? Our two close friends are dating."

"Sorry for being late." Akaashi speaks lowly, releasing his hand from Konoha's ear. You gulp, slightly hiding behind Haru when you see Akaashi. You grow anxious to see his reaction about the way you dressed up today. Akaashi turns his eyes on Y/N, noticing her hidden form. "You didn't wait long did you Y/N?" Hearing your name from Akaashi still feels unusual. You shake your head, "Not at all."

"So, it's really true. You two are dating?" Konoha glances from Akaashi to you. "You don't believe it either, right?" Zico interjects. Konoha nods his head, narrowing his eyes towards you. "Are you blackmailing Akaashi? I know you like to play dirty."

"What? No?!" You stammer out. Haru steps to the side, placing her hands on your shoulders. She reveals you to Akaashi. "Y/N wouldn't go out of her way to dress up like this for anyone. I don't even get to see her dolled up like this often." Haru smirks, pulling her hands away from your shoulders.

Konoha blushes when he sees how the dress forms against Y/L/N's body. Akaashi grows quiet as well, staring at Y/N up and down. His blue eyes stop on her shy expression. She put in a lot of effort to play the fake girlfriend role. That thought alone makes him feel thankful. Bokuto elbows Akaashi in the arm. "Are you going to compliment her? She looks like a nervous wreck." Bokuto mutters quietly to Akaashi. Akaashi lowers his eyes to her trembling fingers that clutch tightly onto her purse.

𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖌𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖉 | Keiji Akaashi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now