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Park Chaemi is a marketing associate already for two years in Kim Food Industries Corporation where the CEO is Kim Mingyu and she has a lot of close friends in the office especially her colleagues Lee Juyeon, Son Youngjae but he prefers to call him as Eric and her manager of the department Jacob Bae. But Chaemi is closest to Juyeon as both of them were friends since middle school and started working in the company. Sometimes, Chaemi is envied by the ladies in all department because she always have the opportunity to talk to him and Mingyu always initiates it.

"Park Chaemi! Our CEO, Mr. Kim Mingyu wants to talk to you," Jacob said.

"OK! I will go there now!" Chaemi said. Then while Chaemi is going to Mingyu's office...

"Juyeon, you think our CEO is interested in Chaemi?" Eric said.

"I don't know! How will I know? Also, I don't care if our CEO is interested in her." Juyeon said and Eric smirked.

"Do you not care about that? Mr. Kim always really likes to talk to her every day." Eric said and Juyeon raised his eyebrows.

"I don't care, Eric! So, can you please just do your work now and you are disturbing me and we have to finish our report, ok?" Juyeon said and Eric just laughed at him and just went back to work. As for Chaemi who is now inside Mingyu's office...

"Good morning Mr. Kim, why did you call me?" Chaemi asked.

"Chaemi, you can just call me Mingyu. I will treat you for lunch today." Mingyu said and smiled at her.

"No thanks, Mr. Kim. I will also join my friends later. But thanks for your offer." Chaemi said and Mingyu sighed.

"I have an idea, I will treat you for dinner instead. Also, we are friends, right?" Mingyu said and pouted and was Chaemi's turn to sigh.

"Is he a CEO? Gosh! This fine man here is stubborn!" Chaemi thought and tried to smile at him.

"Ok! Fine! I will go with you to have dinner." Chaemi said and Mingyu smiled at her brightly.

"That's great! I will wait for you in the lobby after work. Also, please just call me Mingyu and I am not comfortable that you are calling me Mr. Kim." Mingyu said.

"Ok, Mingyu! See you after work! I should go now and we will still have to finish our report." Chaemi said.

"Ok! Have a nice day and see you later Chaemi!" Mingyu said and waved goodbye to her and Chaemi left him in his office. Then as she walked out of the office, someone greeted her.

"Hey, Chaemi! Why are you here?" the man said.

"Jinho! Nice to see you! Well, your boss called me and I thought it was something serious and he just wants to treat me for dinner." Chaemi said.

"Oh! It seems that my boss is interested in you." Jinho said and Chaemi just chuckled at his words.

"I don't know Jinho. But I can consider him as my friend too. I have to go and finish some work. " Chaemi said.

"Ok! Have a nice day Chaemi!" Jinho said and smiled at her and Chaemi left him and went back to her department. Jinho is a male executive secretary of Kim Mingyu and also a friend of Chaemi and Juyeon. Then he went inside Mingyu's office and...

"Jinho! What brings you here?" Mingyu asked.

"I just want to tell you that the thing you ask for, is starting to get made by Mr. Shin Jaeho," Jinho said.

"That's good to hear. Thanks for your update Jinho! But did he already told you when he will finish it?" Mingyu said.

"He hasn't told me yet. But he just told me that it will take a while." Jinho said.

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