CHAPTER 14."I thought I can trust you!"

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Then the next day while Chaemi is working, Mingyu sent a message to her and...

"Chaemi I want to talk to you here in my office. - K.M"

After Chaemi saw his message to her...

"Oh! It's been weeks that he hasn't talk to me. Oh well, he was just been really busy because of what happened to his friend." Chaemi thought.

"Juyeon, are you busy as of the moment?" Chaemi asked.

"Nope! Why?" Juyeon asked.

"Mingyu will talk to me in his office now. You can accompany me now, right?" Chaemi said and smiled at him and Juyeon nodded and smiled back at her. Then both of them went to his office and as Mingyu saw Juyeon was with her again.

"Why does Juyeon have to be with her always, every time Chaemi will go here. Is Juyeon her bodyguard?" Mingyu thought as he looked at him, Juyeon just smiled at him and Mingyu made a fake smile at him.

"So, what do you want to talk about Mingyu?" Chaemi said and smiled at him.

"Tomorrow is your birthday, right?" Mingyu asked.

"Yup! Why?" Chaemi said.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" Mingyu asked.

"I will file a leave later for tomorrow and I want to celebrate my birthday in my place. Then my friends will go to my place tomorrow after work. So, are you gonna go tomorrow too?" Chaemi said.

"Of course I am! I will never miss your birthdays." Mingyu said and winked at her and Chaemi slightly blushed and Juyeon just smirked.

"That's great! Also, Jinho told us that he will go tomorrow too. So, is there any you want to talk about? " Chaemi said.

"That's all Chaemi. So, see you tomorrow Chaemi and Juyeon." Mingyu said and smiled at them.

"Ok! We have to go back to work now. Have a nice day Mingyu!" Chaemi said.

"Have a nice day the two of you!" Mingyu said and both of them left his office. Then Jinho approached them.

"So, is Mr. Kim will come tomorrow too?" Jinho asked.

"Yup! He just remembered that tomorrow is my birthday." Chaemi said and smiled at Jinho.

"But is Juyeon will be okay if Mingyu will be with us tomorrow?" Jinho asked and he looked at Juyeon.

"It's ok Jinho! Also, Mr. Kim is Chaemi's friend and I don't want to stop her to invite who is close to her." Juyeon said and smiled at him.

"Oh! That's great! Then all of us will be with you tomorrow on your birthday." Jinho said.

"You're right! I am happy that all of you will be on my birthday tomorrow!" Chaemi said and smiled.

"We have to go now Jinho, see you later on lunch break," Juyeon said.

"Oh! Ok! See you later! Have a nice day!" Jinho said and then Chaemi and Juyeon went back to their department. While Jinho was working, he suddenly thought of something.

"Wait! It means Mr. Kim shouldn't see my gift for Chaemi and I will be in trouble if he will see my gift to her. But it seems he will not know that it was the journal since I wrap the whole thing. Oh well! I think he will not notice it tomorrow." Jinho thought and focused again on his work. As for Sangyeon and Hyunjae who went to Mr. Seo's house...

"Good morning Mrs. Seo. I will just ask a few things about your husband." Sangyeon said.

"Ok! Come in!" Mrs. Seo said.

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