CHAPTER 11. "Consequences of the journal"

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While Jinho was in the elevator, he suddenly remembered something.

"Oh! This is the right time I can go to Mr. Shin's place and get the journal." Jinho thought and as he walking out of the elevator and was about to go outside the building, Chaemi and Juyeon saw him.

"Hey, Jinho! You are going home now?" Juyeon said.

"Yup! Mr. Kim let me leave for the day and I will go meet someone today too." Jinho said.

"Oh! Who will you meet today?" Chaemi asked and Jinho gathered the two of them closely.

"Don't tell Mr. Kim I will go to the maker of the journal," Jinho said in a low voice.

"Huh? The maker of a journal?" Juyeon asked.

"Mr. Kim tells someone to make him a special journal for him," Jinho said.

"Oh! Ok! But why do you have to make it a secret?" Chaemi asked.

"I don't know. I will know later because the maker of the journal just told me not to tell him too." Jinho said.

"Ok! Don't worry we will not tell him," Juyeon said.

"Ok! Thanks, guys! I have to go!" Jinho said and while he is leaving Chaemi and Juyeon, Mingyu saw it and he approached them.

"Good afternoon Chaemi and Juyeon! I saw that you are talking to Jinho." Mingyu said and smiled at them and Juyeon just looked at him with a blank expression.

"Oh! He just told us that you made him leave for today." Chaemi said and smiled back.

"Yup! He was busy for the past few days and I wanted him to rest for today." Mingyu said.

"Oh! That's good! By the way, we heard that Mr. Seo was gone missing." Juyeon said.

"Probably Jinho told them. Well, what can I do? they are also his friends." Mingyu thought.

"Yup! But I am helping to find him because Mr. Seo is my friend." Mingyu said.

" I hope Mr. Seo will be found and he is safe," Chaemi said.

"Don't worry Mr. Seo will be safe and also, with the help of my bodyguards who are now helping the police, they will find him easily," Mingyu said and smiled at them.

"Mingyu, we have to go back to the office, and probably Jacob is waiting for us," Chaemi said.

"Ok! Work well the two of you." Mingyu said and both of them left him in the lobby. Then as Mingyu looking at them.
"Well, I think I don't have any problems with them and I think Jinho didn't tell anything to them." Mingyu thought. Then while Juyeon and Chaemi are in the elevator.

"You know, I am now thinking about what journal is Jinho talking about," Chaemi said.

"Me too! But that's a thing that belongs to Mr. Kim and whoever the maker of the journal is, might have own private reasons not to tell him." Juyeon said.

"I think so too Juyeon. Oh well! Let's just don't mind it." Chaemi said and Juyeon agreed and just went back to work. As for Jinho who was now going to Shin Jaeho's place, he sent a message to him and Jaeho told him that he will be waiting for him. Then when Jinho reached Jaeho's place, he let Jinho inside his house.

"Mr. Shin, I am here to get the journal of Mr. Kim," Jinho said and Jaeho showed him the journal but when Jinho was about to get the journal he suddenly gets the journal again and...

"Mr. Shin, we are not playing games here. I just want you to give the journal to me." Jinho said.

"Before I give this journal, I will tell a few things about your boss Mr. Kim Mingyu," Jaeho said.

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